

Least common denominator find the LCD add or subtract?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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10y ago

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Neither. Factorise and then multiply a subset of factors.

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Q: Least common denominator find the LCD add or subtract?
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When you subtract fractions do you subtract the denominator?

No. If the denominators are the same, you subtract the numerators. If the denominators are different you have to find the least common denominator.

How do you subtract fractions in simplest form?

You first need to find a common denominator, not necessarily the least common denominator. Next, you rename the fractions according to the common denominator. Only then can you subtract the fractions. After subtraction you should simplify the answer.

Why if there are two fraction having different denominator are you are going to find first their least common denominator?

To get the right answer when you add or subtract them.

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The denominators need to be the same for subtraction. Find the Least Common Denominator for both items and then subtract.

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Find a common denominator (make sure you multiply BOTH the numerator and the denominator) then subtract the numerators and simplify if necessary.

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How do you subtract mixed number from mixed numbers with dissimilar fraction?

Make them into improper fractions, find the least common denominator, convert them, subtract, reduce if possible.

How do you subtract two fractions?

You have to find a common denominator, multiply them, subtract them and then simplify if you need to.

What are the steps to subtract unlike fractions?

first find a common denominator then subtract the top numbers

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You need at least two numbers to find a common denominator.

Why do you think it is important to know how to find the common denominator of two rational polynomials?

You need to find the common denominator in order to add or subtract them. You can only add or subtract "like things" and by finding a common denominator you make both rational expressions into things that can be added or subtracted.

Is it always necessary to find the least common denominator to compare the sizes of fractions?

When comparing fractions you must find a common denominator; by finding the least common denominator it will keep the numbers (numerators and denominator) smaller .