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5 hours is the day and 5 hours is the night!

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Jupiters length of day?

It takes 9.925hrs.

What is the length of jupiters day?

9 hours and 55 minutes.

How does the moon affects life on earth?

Tides, length of the day, variable light at night (for hunting).

What is the length of on day on the moon?

The length of a "day" on the moon is 29 Earth days.

Length of the Moon's day?

29.5 earth days is one moon day wich is the length of the moons day

Why does the moon and the sun appear in the day sky and the moon is not full?

The Moon rises about 50 minutes later each night. After a few weeks, it is logically rising in the morning, and crossing the sky during the day. As the month goes on, it eventually is rising at night again. The moons movements are independent of the sun. Though day length varies, the sun is always up during the "day", and gone at night. Not so the moon.

Why do the moon have day and night cycles?

The moon has day and because the moon rotates

Does the moon have anything to do with day and night?

yes it have to do something about day and night . The moon give us the moonlight.

What is length of the day in a autumnal equinox?

During the Autumn equinox the length of the day and night are nearly equal. The length of the day on the equinox is approximately twelve hours.

What is the phenomenon called when day and night are the same length?

The length of day and night is equal at the Vernal and Autumnal equinox.

When are day and night the same length and what is the phenomenon called?

The length of day and night is equal at the Vernal and Autumnal equinox.

Why is it sometimes you can see the moon in the day and sometimes you can't see it at night?

u cant see the moon at night when its new moon I'm not sure about the day