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Q: Lenny loves physics and math. In which Energy career pathway would these interests be the most helpful?
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What is the energy pathway for phosphorescent light?

Phosphorescent light is produced when certain materials absorb photons and then release the energy slowly over a longer period of time. This delayed emission of light is due to the transition of electrons from excited states to lower energy levels, resulting in the release of light energy.

What process produces more energy-the anaerobic pathway or the aerobic pathway?

The aerobic pathway produces more energy than the anaerobic pathway. Aerobic respiration generates a much higher yield of ATP molecules from glucose compared to anaerobic fermentation. Anaerobic metabolism is a less efficient process that produces ATP without the use of oxygen.

Only energy pathway that can burn carbs fat and protein?

Aerobic Energy Pathway

What fuel are used in the anaerobic metabolic pathway?

The anaerobic glycolysis energy pathway produces ATP from carbohydrates only. This energy pathway produces lactic acid as a by product.

Which pathway has the greatest activation energy?

The pathway with the greatest activation energy is often one that involves breaking strong chemical bonds or complex rearrangements, such as in nuclear reactions or some enzyme-catalyzed processes. These reactions require more energy input to initiate the reaction compared to other pathways with lower activation energies.

Efficiency of a respiration pathway refers to the?

amount of ATP energy produced relative to the energy content of the carbohydrate entering the pathway

What is the energy pathway for an incandescent?


Is physics the study of energy?

Physics is the study of energy including the changes of energy like force, the first derivative of energy.

What is the name of the science that studies matter and energy?

The science that studies matter and energy is called physics. Physics explores the fundamental principles governing the behavior of the physical world at various scales, from the smallest particles to the largest galaxies.

What type of science studies energy?

The field of physics, particularly the branch called thermodynamics, studies energy in all its forms. Thermodynamics focuses on how energy is transferred between systems and how it influences the properties of matter.

What branch of physics deals with energy and matter?

All physics deals with energy and matter. In effect that is almost a complete definition of what Physics IS.

What type of reactions use energy to build complex molecules?

Anabolic reactions use energy to build complex molecules. These reactions include processes like protein synthesis and photosynthesis, where smaller molecules are combined to form larger, more complex molecules.