

Life feels like a dream

Updated: 12/14/2022
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15y ago

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Your past life hasn't caught up with your present life. Reality is something that feels distance but when your soul catches up its not going to be good reality hits hard. I've yet to find reality. Any minute im going to wake up and realize it was a big dream.

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Your dream expresses your own thoughts and feelings. Your dream cannot tell you anything about anyone else's thoughts or feelings. This dream only illustrates your own desire for the guy to tell you how he feels, but it does NOT tell you anything about how he actually feels.

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The dream suggests that the dreamer is avoiding some real life situation that feels overwhelming.

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This feels like a wish-fulfillment dream. It expresses the dreamer's emotions and provides a happy experience in the security of sleep. But it does not provide any information about the actual boy's real life emotions.

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This dream suggests that the dreamer feels separate from the community; as if they are an observer rather than a participant in real life.

What does it mean when you dream about dogs trying to get in the house?

The little dogs in the dream symbolize something that feels as if it is taking over the dreamer's life. But the actual meaning depends on how the dreamer feels about little dogs: are they adorable? messy? revolting? terrifying? cuddly? Are these dogs welcome in the house, or does it feel like an invasion? Those feelings express the dreamer's emotions about whatever the little dogs represent in real life.