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It is known as drizzle.

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Q: Light mist of droplets falling to the earth are called?
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What is it called when water droplets fall to the earth?


How do water droplets falling out of a thundercloud get bigger as they fall towards the earth's surface?

As water droplets fall from a thundercloud, they encounter other water droplets and become more massive through coalescence, where smaller droplets combine to form larger ones. The impact of gravity also causes the droplets to accelerate, which can lead to collision with other droplets, further increasing their size before reaching the Earth's surface.

Does clouds have water droplets?

By definition, a cloud is microscopic water droplets. Brought down to earth level, a cloud is called "fog" - which is the same thing: microscopic water droplets.

Water falling back to the earth is called?


What is movement in response to the earth's gravity called?

In the majority of such situations, it is called "falling".

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Why do the clouds droplets not fall to the earth

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A falling meteor is spectacular to watch as it leaves a bright trail of light across the sky What is this called?

This is called a meteor or a shooting star. It occurs when a meteoroid enters Earth's atmosphere and burns up, creating a bright streak of light in the sky.

What changes as the Earth rotates?

The amount of sunlight light falling on a given area changes as the Earth rotates -- night & day

When moisture in a cloud is heavy enough to fall back to Earth it is called what?

When liquid water droplets are big enough to fall to Earth, we call it rain.

Why are meteors called a falling star?

Because when they streak through the Earth's atmosphere, they look like stars - pinpoints of light in the sky. Only that they're moving real fast, which makes it easy to call them things like "falling" or "shooting" stars.

What makes thunder clouds?

Thunderstorms are caused by the rapid upward movement of warm, moistair. They can occur inside warm, moist air masses and at fronts. As the warm, moist air moves upward, it cools, condenses, and forms cumulonimbus clouds that can reach heights of over 20km (12.45 miles). As the rising air reaches itsdew point, water droplets and ice form and begin falling the long distance through the clouds towards the Earth's surface. As the droplets fall, they collide with other droplets and become larger. The falling droplets create a downdraft of air that spreads out at the Earth's surface and causes strong winds associated commonly with thunderstorms.