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Organic molecules all contain carbon, often in chains or rings. They also contain hydrogen. I can't think of any other properties common to all organic molecules. Organic substances tend to be volatile, many are combustible, and many have odours.

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*Carbohydrates *Lipids *Nucleic Acids*Proteins

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9y ago

4 characteristic properties that all organic compounds have are; Strong odors, low boiling points, low melting points do not conduct electricity.

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Organic molecules contain carbon, are involved in life processes, the bond C-H is very frequent.

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Q: List 4 characteristic properties that all organic compounds have?
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List some items that are organic and inorganic?

A simple answer is: - organic compounds: contain carbon; but some compounds as carbonates, carbides, cyanides, etc. are considered as inorganic compounds. - inorganic compounds: the other chemical substances

How many different organic compounds have been identified?

Over 50 million carbon-containing (organic) compounds are known so far. In addition, 90% of the new compounds discovered or synthesized each year are also organic. The list is growing.

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Some common properties of organic compounds include having covalent bonds, containing carbon and hydrogen atoms, being flammable, having low melting and boiling points, and often having a complex molecular structure.

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Organic compounds include a wide range of substances such as carbohydrates (glucose), lipids (fatty acids), proteins (amino acids), nucleic acids (DNA), and many more. These compounds are characterized by containing carbon atoms bonded to hydrogen, and often other elements like oxygen, nitrogen, or sulfur. Organic compounds are essential for life and are found in various natural sources like plants, animals, and microorganisms.

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Benjamin List has written: 'Science of synthesis' -- subject(s): Catalysis, Asymmetric synthesis, Carbon compounds 'Asymmetric organocatalysis' -- subject(s): Asymmetric synthesis, Organic Chemicals, Organic compounds, Organokatalyse, Asymmetrische Synthese, Catalysis, Synthesis, Chemical synthesis, Amines

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They all are formed from the same elements

List four elements other than carbon and hydrogen that can bond to carbon in organic compounds?

It is Nitrogen, Sulfur, Oxygen, and Chlorine

Can you list properties of ionic compounds?

Ionic compounds are formed by the attraction between positively and negatively charged ions. They have high melting and boiling points. Ionic compounds are usually solid at room temperature. They conduct electricity when dissolved in water or melted.

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What is a list of some organic compounds people come across in everyday life?

acetaminophen (Tylenol) and several other medicine, sugar, caffeine, gasoline, glucose, butane, rubbing alcohol, Natural gas and our daily diet also contains organic compounds as Proteins, Fats, carbohydrates and Vitamins.

What is a list of scientific compounds?

There are thousands of chemical compounds. One chemical can form many different compounds depending on what is is combined with, and new combinations can also be formed. Thus, a list of ALL of them would be unlikely to contain all chemical compounds.

What is a source of organic carbon?

Basically, there are three accepted sources of organic compounds:1. carbonized organic matter2. living organisms3. invention/human ingenuitySource (see Related Link below).