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Organized,Respond,Energy,Grow and Develop,Reproduce..

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3d ago
  1. Growth - organisms generally have the ability to increase in size or complexity.
  2. Reproduction - organisms have the ability to create offspring and pass on their genetic material.
  3. Metabolism - organisms have processes for obtaining and using energy.
  4. Response to stimuli - organisms can react to changes in their environment.
  5. Homeostasis - organisms have mechanisms to maintain internal stability despite external changes.
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Q: List five traits that most organisms have?
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Explain why most animals are born without harmful inherited traits?

Most animals do not have harmful inherited traits because natural selection tends to eliminate genes that are detrimental to survival and reproduction. Over time, individuals with harmful traits are less likely to pass on their genes, resulting in a population with fewer harmful inherited traits. Additionally, genetic variability and recombination during reproduction help dilute the prevalence of harmful traits in offspring.

What are some of the common organisms found in grassland biomes?

dirt air and rocks

How are proteins related to your traits?

proteins are found throughout cells and cause most of the difference that you can see among organisms

The process of choosing organisma with the most desirable traits for mating is often used by breeders in hopes of building up desired traits in a population?

This process is known as selective breeding or artificial selection. By selecting organisms with desirable traits and breeding them together, breeders can pass on those favorable traits to future generations, gradually improving the overall quality of the population. This method is commonly used in agriculture, livestock production, and pet breeding to produce organisms with specific traits such as disease resistance, growth rate, or appearance.

What molecule is most responsible for determining an organisms eye color body structure and cellular enzyme production?

DNA is the molecule most responsible for determine traits such as eye color, body structure, and cellular enzyme production.

Related questions

List five traits most organisms have?

cell homeostasis

What are 5 carecter traits that an organisms have in them?

Common character traits of organisms include adaptability, resilience, reproduction, growth, and organization. These traits allow organisms to survive and thrive in their environments, ensuring the continuation of their species.

Five traits that most organisms have?

Metabolism: the ability to convert food into usable energy. Reproduction: the ability to produce offspring. Adaptation: the ability to evolve and adjust to changing environments. Homeostasis: the ability to regulate and maintain internal conditions. Response to stimuli: the ability to react to environmental cues.

What are five traits that most organisms have?

Reproduction: Organisms have the ability to produce offspring to ensure the continuation of their species. Homeostasis: Organisms regulate their internal environment to maintain a stable and optimal condition for life. Response to stimuli: Organisms can detect and react to changes in their environment to survive and thrive. Growth and development: Organisms undergo growth and maturation from birth to adulthood. Evolution: Organisms have the capacity to adapt and evolve over time in response to changing environmental conditions.

What five traits that most organisms have?

Living things reproduce, feed, respire, are sensitive to the environment and excrete waste.

How offspring inherit traits in most single-celled organisms and in most many celled organisms?

Offspring inherit traits in most single-celled organisms and in most many celled organisms through DNA. DNA controls what genes the organism will inherit.

Which organism would have the most similar trait?

Organisms in the same scientific order would have the most similar traits.

Explain how the inheritance of traits is controlled in organisms Use the term genes and alleles in you explanation?

The most dominant traits are the ones that control organisms genes.

How do offspring inherit traits in single-celled organisms and in most many-celled organisms?


What accounts for the way most traits developed in organisms?

inherited genes and environment

What are organisms with traits best suited to their environments are most likely to survive?

Natural Selection

How are autosomal traits relate to Mendel's observations of heredity?

All of the traits that he studied were determined by genes on autosomes. Most traits in sexually reproducing organisms result in autosomal genes