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Q: Locate the complete gerund phrase and identify its use. She was able to get past the muddy road by driving carefully.?
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What is pin- pointed on a map?

To pin point something means to accurately locate and identify the position of something. With a map this can be done by pushing in a pin at a particular location. It may also be done by giving the position its unique 'grid' reference.

What can locate a seismic wave?

A seismograph can locate a seismic wave.

What are the first five things you do when mrs szygenda gives you a map?

1.locate title 2.locate scale 3.locate compass map

What is the minimum number of the seismograph stations needed to locate an epicenter?

The minimum number of seismographs needed to locate an epicenter of an earthquake is 3.

Do scientists follow seismic waves to locate the epicenter?


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Locate the complete gerund phrase and identify its use She was able to get past the muddy road by driving carefully?

"by driving carefully" is the complete gerund phrase in this sentence. It functions as an adverbial phrase, providing more information about how she was able to get past the muddy road.

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answer is ls.. ls is command outside of the unix kernel.. To identify this if you do locate <command> or which<command> you can identify the source of the program.. if you do locate<keyword> or which<keyword>.. you can't identify the source of the program... :)~ss

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