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In mathematics, a vector is a quantity that has both magnitude and direction. When discussing the location of a point in space, a vector can be used to describe the displacement from an origin point to that location. Therefore, the location of a point and its vector are related in terms of specifying both where the point is and in what direction it is positioned from a reference point.

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Q: Location and vector how they are Related?
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How do you find the location of resultant?

To find the location of the resultant, you can use the parallelogram rule or the triangle rule of vector addition. Locate the endpoints of the vectors you are adding, draw the resultant vector connecting the initial point of the first vector to the terminal point of the last vector, and then find the coordinates of the endpoint of the resultant vector.

Is couple vector or scalar quantity?

A couple is a vector quantity because it has both magnitude (related to the moment of force) and direction (related to the axis of rotation).


A position vector is a vector that represents the location of a point in space relative to a reference point or origin. It specifies the distance and direction from the origin to the point. In three-dimensional space, a position vector is typically denoted as <x, y, z>.

What is a vector composed of?

A vector is composed of both magnitude (length) and direction. It is represented by an arrow that starts at the origin and points to a specific location in space. Vectors are used to describe quantities that have both size and direction, such as velocity and force.

Is position and displacement the same?

Position and displacement are related concepts in physics but are not the same. Position refers to the location of an object relative to a reference point, while displacement is a vector quantity that describes the change in position of an object and includes information about both the distance and direction of the change.

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How is vector and location related?

They are not alike bcuz r u frekin stoopid lol

What is the military term for location?

i believe the military term for location is vector

How do you find the location of resultant?

To find the location of the resultant, you can use the parallelogram rule or the triangle rule of vector addition. Locate the endpoints of the vectors you are adding, draw the resultant vector connecting the initial point of the first vector to the terminal point of the last vector, and then find the coordinates of the endpoint of the resultant vector.

What are the practical applications of vector spaces?

Communication, navigation and Location, Location and location. ( space, terrestrial and atomic).

Is couple vector or scalar quantity?

A couple is a vector quantity because it has both magnitude (related to the moment of force) and direction (related to the axis of rotation).

Why vector is called free vector?

A vector that is not a positional vector (or directly related) is equivalent to another vector of the same magnitude and direction wherever else in space it may be located. Since it is "free" to be located anywhere, it is called a free vector.

Is curl of vector function F must perpendicular to every vector function f?

No, the curl of a vector field is a vector field itself and is not required to be perpendicular to every vector field f. The curl is related to the local rotation of the vector field, not its orthogonality to other vector fields.

What is a related word for vector?

DirectionTrajectoryCoursePathDirectionTrajectoryCoursePathDirectionTrajectoryCoursePathDirectionTrajectoryCoursePathforce acceleration momentum velocity


A position vector is a vector that represents the location of a point in space relative to a reference point or origin. It specifies the distance and direction from the origin to the point. In three-dimensional space, a position vector is typically denoted as <x, y, z>.

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How is Canada's related to it's northerly location?

How is Canada's climate related to its northerly location?

What is a vector composed of?

A vector is composed of both magnitude (length) and direction. It is represented by an arrow that starts at the origin and points to a specific location in space. Vectors are used to describe quantities that have both size and direction, such as velocity and force.