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Ralph, Jack and Simon climb to the top of the mountain, early in the novel, and discover that they are on an island.

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1mo ago

The boys discover that the "beast" they fear is actually the dead pilot whose body was carried onto the island by the wind. They mistake the parachute covering the body for a beast and their fear drives them into a frenzy, leading to violence and chaos among the group.

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English Lit exam tomorrow? They find the airman, and believe him to be the beast.

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rocks they can roll

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Q: What do the boys discover on their search for the beast in lord of the flies?
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In the lord of flies What do the boys find at end of the chapter?

At the end of "Lord of the Flies," the boys discover the dead body of a fighter pilot whose parachute becomes entangled in the trees on the island. The boys mistake the body for the mythical "beast" they have been terrified of, deepening their fear and paranoia.

What does Simon discover about the beast in the lord of the flies?

In Chapter 8, Simon discovers the "real" beast is a pig (sow) head on a stick, which is the Lord of the Flies... the lord of the flies also claims that the boys created the beast and everyone of the boys is a beast in himself.... In Chapter 9, the so called beast Samneric saw in earlier chapters and the same so called beast on top of the mountain that Roger, Ralph, and Jack saw is just a dead body of an airman in a parachute (Simon's discovery)... he then untangled the parachute lines...the wind caused the body to move like a puppet

In lord of the flies Who volunteers to search the beasts lair alone?

Simon volunteers to search the beast's lair alone in "Lord of the Flies." He does so because he is the most compassionate and courageous among the boys, and he wants to face his fears head-on. Ultimately, Simon discovers the truth about the beast being a dead parachutist.

In lord of the flies what does Simon discover about the apelike beast?

Simon discovers that the apelike beast the boys fear is actually the rotting corpse of a dead paratrooper, whose body has become entangled in the rocks and vines on the mountain. This realization causes Simon to understand the true nature of the beast as a manifestation of the boys' own inner darkness and fears.

What do Sam and Eric tell the boys they have seen in Lord of the Flies?

the beast

Which of the boys is able to solve the mystery of the beast in lord of the flies?


In Lord of the Flies who was mistaken for the beast?

Simon was mistaken for the beast in "Lord of the Flies". He was killed by the other boys during a frenzied tribal dance on the beach.

In lord of the flies who is tending the fire when the beast is discovered?

In "Lord of the Flies," it is Simon who is tending the fire when the boys' fear of the beast emerges. As the boys mistake a dead paratrooper for the beast and flee, Simon remains at the scene and discovers the truth about the figure on the mountain.

List the three boys who continue the search for beast what beast do they see?

In "Lord of the Flies," the three boys who continue the search for the beast are Jack, Ralph, and Roger. They believe they see a beast, which turns out to be a dead paratrooper dangling from a tree with a parachute.

In lord of the flies chapter 9 what word the boys won't use?

i guess its beast since Ralph and fatty wanted to get the idea of the presence of the beast out of the little boys' heads.

What is the beast that the boys kill?

The beast that the boys kill in "Lord of the Flies" is actually a parachutist whose parachute gets tangled in the trees on the island. The boys mistake the shadowy figure for a beast and in their fear and frenzy, they end up killing him.

How do the older boys decide to deal with fear in the book Lord of the Flies?

they blame it on the beast. The beast is used as a scapegoat for all fear