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Grey. Hence, "Gandalf the Grey." -sam-is-my-hero-

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Q: Lord of the Rings When Bilbo first met him what was Gandalf's trademark color?
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What color is Bilbo Baggins hair?

in the movie it is red but i am not quite sure what color it is in the book.

What color is Shrek in Lord of the Rings?

Shrek was not in Lord of the Rings.

What color was Bilbo's journal?

Red his journal is called "The Red Book of Westmarch"

Why has colour been spelled color for the Olympic rings?

it is because these are the special rings and the color depends the most. hi!

What color did T-Mobile and its Deutche Telekom parent trademark?


Why are the rings interlockd?

If your talking about the Olympic rings, then you should also know that the rings are this color because in every country in the world, one of those rings color is in every countries flag. The rings are interlocked to show unity and bringing the world together.

How do mood rings change color?

mood rings use the temperature of the item they come in contact with to chemically change its color. that's why mood rings don't always tell you your correct mood.

Do mood rings change color?

mood rings use the temperature of the item they come in contact with to chemically change its color. that's why mood rings don't always tell you your correct mood.

What is Justin Bieber's trademark color?

well wears purple, gray, and black alot.

What color is Saturn and its rings?

saturn is a hazy yellow color with a little bit of green and orange in it and its rings are more of a brown yellow grey color with sparkly ice particles

What is the US's color in the Olympic rings?


Can mood rings change color?

-_- seriously?