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He keeps reminding himself of the prophecy that "none of woman born shall harm Macbeth."

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Q: Macbeth tries to reassure himself that Malcolm and Macduff are not a threat to him because they?
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How who killed Macbeth?

In the end it is Malcolm who finally slays Macbeth. No! Rubbish! Malcolm is a useless soldier and couldn't kill Macbeth if Macbeth were tied hand and foot. It was Macduff, the man "not of woman born", who kills Macbeth.

Why did Malcolm and Macduff attack Macbeth's castle?

Because they were mad at him, they wanted to kill him and make Malcolm king instead.

Why does malcom test macduff by assigning negative attributes to himself?

He says this is his way of seeing whether Macduff is a spy for Macbeth. Anyone genuinely wanting to help Malcolm to overthrow Macbeth because he believes Malcolm is better would refuse to follow Malcolm if he was actually worse than Macbeth.

In Macbeth Macduff agrees to revolt Macbeth why?

It's a two-part answer. One, Macbeth is a traitor and killed the King of Scotland. Macduff is loyal to the rightful heir, Malcolm. Macduff assists Malcolm in the retaking of Dunsinane castle and murders Macbeth. But Macbeth also hired assassins to have Macduffs family murdered. Macduff's wife and children were all murdered after he fled to England with Malcolm.

Why didn't Macbeth kill macduff?

No, Macbeth killed Macduff's family but not Macduff. Macduff kills Macbeth after telling Macbeth that he wasn't born of a woman; he was born of a C-section or "untimely ripped" from his mother's womb as it says in the play. After Macduff reveals this it appears that Macbeth gives up on fighting because he realizes that it is his destiny to die at the hands of Macduff and then he makes an effort to die an honorable fighting death. Macduff kills and beheads Macbeth off stage, and then he brings Macbeth's head on a pole and presents it to Malcolm the new and rightful king of Scotland.

Related questions

What are Malcolm's feelings toward macduff?

Malcolm initially mistrusts Macduff because of his close association with Macbeth. However, he later recognizes Macduff's loyalty and bravery, and comes to see him as a valuable ally in the fight against Macbeth.

How who killed Macbeth?

In the end it is Malcolm who finally slays Macbeth. No! Rubbish! Malcolm is a useless soldier and couldn't kill Macbeth if Macbeth were tied hand and foot. It was Macduff, the man "not of woman born", who kills Macbeth.

Why did Malcolm and Macduff attack Macbeth's castle?

Because they were mad at him, they wanted to kill him and make Malcolm king instead.

Why does malcom test macduff by assigning negative attributes to himself?

He says this is his way of seeing whether Macduff is a spy for Macbeth. Anyone genuinely wanting to help Malcolm to overthrow Macbeth because he believes Malcolm is better would refuse to follow Malcolm if he was actually worse than Macbeth.

In Macbeth Macduff agrees to revolt Macbeth why?

It's a two-part answer. One, Macbeth is a traitor and killed the King of Scotland. Macduff is loyal to the rightful heir, Malcolm. Macduff assists Malcolm in the retaking of Dunsinane castle and murders Macbeth. But Macbeth also hired assassins to have Macduffs family murdered. Macduff's wife and children were all murdered after he fled to England with Malcolm.

What makes Malcolm trust Macduff?

Malcolm trusts Macduff because he demonstrates his loyalty to Scotland and his opposition to Macbeth by joining forces with him to overthrow the tyrannical ruler. Macduff's courage and dedication to the wellbeing of Scotland earn Malcolm's trust and respect.

Why does the murderer call macduff a traitor?

The murderer calls Macduff a traitor because Macduff has fled to join Malcolm, the rightful heir to the throne, in trying to overthrow Macbeth. Macbeth sees Macduff's actions as a betrayal of their previous loyalty to him as king.

In act IV Malcolm is at first lukewarm toward macduff because he?

suspects Macduff may be trying to deceive him, as he has already been betrayed by those close to him. Malcolm tests Macduff's intentions by pretending to be worse than Macbeth, to see if Macduff is truly loyal to Scotland. Once satisfied of Macduff's loyalty, Malcolm reveals his true self and the two join forces to overthrow Macbeth.

Why does Malcolm lie about himself to Mcduff?

Unlike his father who trusted too easily, Malcolm does not trust Macduff. He does not trust him because he thinks that Macduff may be secretly working for Macbeth. To test this theory he rambles lies giving examples of how he is not fit to be king. However, it is Macduff's polite reaction of disagreeing with Malcolm which makes Malcolm believe Macduff.

Why might Macduff in particular be keen to seek Macbeth's death?

Macduff is keen to seek Macbeth's death because Macbeth has murdered his family, including his wife and children. Macduff sees it as his duty to seek revenge and rid Scotland of Macbeth's tyrannical rule. Additionally, Macduff is loyal to the rightful king, Malcolm, and believes that Macbeth's death is necessary to restore order and justice to the kingdom.

What happens to Macduff?

Because macduff harbors suspicions about the person who actually murderd King Duncan, therefore he turnes against Macbeth and consequently was absent from his coronation. Macbeth organises to kill her for revenge and also to set a distraction to protect himself from an enraged Macduff.

Why does Macduff not go to Macbeth's crowning?

If you are referring to Shakespeare's classic Macbeth, it's because Macduff hates Macbeth. Remember, Macbeth turns evil because of hunger for power. Macbeth killed Macduff's wife and children because Macduff knew Macbeth killed Duncan. He wanted to kill Macduff, but Macduff was gone. Macbeth killed Macduff's family because he felt they were in his way and stopping him from achieving his goals.