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Q: Magellan wanted to find a shorter route to what places?
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Where was it that Columbus wanted to find a shorter sea route to?

He wanted to find a shorter sea route to Asia.

The expedition of balboa and Magellan were important because they found a shorter route to the Americas?


Why did Ferdinad Magellan sail?

Magellan sailed because he wanted to find a western trade route to Asia.

What were Ferdinand Magellan's sponsors seeking to gain?

Magellan's sponsors wanted new land and a faster route to the spice islands

Why did Ferdinand Magellan make his trip?

He wanted to know the western route to the Indies.

Who wanted to find a westward route to Spice Island of Indonesia?

Ferdinand Magellan

How did Magellan's discovery change the maps of the world?

because he found a shorter and faster route to get to the spice islands

Why did Magellan need a westward route?

Magellan, and other Europeans, wanted a westward route to China and the Orient because the established overland trade route to the East was being restricted by the Muslim empires that straddled it.

What was Magellan's goal?

He wanted to find a western route to the spice lands

Navigator who wanted to find a sea route through the Americas to the Indies?

Ferdinand Magellan

Why did the europeans wanted a shorter route to India?

To reduce travel time, costs and hazards.

What was Magellan searching for?

Magellan was searching for a route to Asia