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Q: Making love to a woman 60 years old?
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Has a man ever married a woman 36 years older than he?

Yes...If they love each other why not!! As long as the man and woman love each other then why not..Although i am trying to imagine a 25 year old groom on his wedding night making love to his new bride who is 61 and his excitement as his 61 year old wife lies naked on the bed waiting for her 25year old husband to penetrate her.

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Im a 21 year old male and i thoroughly enjoy making love as a lady of 30 years of age. = =

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It isn't.

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Who cares? Love is crazy! If you love him and he loves you, go for it!

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Sure, why not. Love is love.

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hi I am a twenty four year old woman dating a man who is forty one years old. We love each other. we have been together now for over a year. I think if a woman is mature enough at twenty four it can work !

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