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Q: Mapa y linderos de terrenos ejidales Magdalena Sonora?
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What is the birth name of Rosemarie Sonora?

Rosemarie Sonora's birth name is Rosemarie Levy Sonora.

When did Sonora Webster Carver die?

Sonora Webster Carver died in 2003.

When was La Sonora Dinamita created?

La Sonora Dinamita was created in 1960.

When was Carmencita born?

Carmelina Encinas was born in Hermosillo, in Sonora, Mexico.

When was Mark Harden born?

Mark Harden was born on June 13, 1958, in Sonora, California, USA.

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When and where was baseball player Sergio Robles born?

Sergio Robles was born April 16, 1946, in Magdalena de Kino, Sonora, Mexico.

When and where did father kino die?

Father Kino, full name Eusebio Francisco Kino, died on March 15, 1711 in Magdalena de Kino, Sonora, Mexico.

What is the population of sonora?

What is the population of Sonora TX ?

When was Sonora created?

Sonora was created in 1831.

What is Sonora's population?

The population of Sonora is 2,662,480.

What is the birth name of Rosemarie Sonora?

Rosemarie Sonora's birth name is Rosemarie Levy Sonora.

Where is the Historic Sonora Chamber Of Commerce in Sonora California located?

The address of the Historic Sonora Chamber Of Commerce is: Po Box 884, Sonora, CA 95370

What is the telephone area code for Magdalena Sonora Mexico?

Magdalena, Sonora, is in Mexican area code 632. Local numbers are uniformly 7 digits.Landline numbers are +52 632Mobile numbers are +52 1 632(The plus sign means "insert your international access prefix here." From a GSM mobile phone, you can enter the number in full international format, starting with the plus sign. The most common prefix is 00, but North America (USA, Canada, etc.) uses 011, Japan uses 010, Australia uses 0011, and many other countries use different prefixes.)

Where is the closest home health agency to sonora?

Sonora Regional Home Health, based out of Sonora and Angels Camp.

When was Sonora Review created?

Sonora Review was created in 1980.

When was Radical Sonora created?

Radical Sonora was created in 1997.

When was Rosemarie Sonora born?

Rosemarie Sonora was born in 1948.