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They are transformed or degraded substances.

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Materials that have left their original containers are considered to be "loose" or "uncontained." Proper containment and storage of these materials is important to prevent spills, leaks, and potential hazards.

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Q: Materials that have left their original containers are considered to be?
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What makes an asbestos material non-friable?

Non-friable asbestos materials are bound together with a binding agent, making them less likely to release asbestos fibers into the air when left undisturbed. These materials are generally considered safer than friable asbestos materials which can easily crumble and release fibers into the air.

What materials present after a reaction?

After a chemical reaction, the materials present can include reactants, products, byproducts, and any leftover starting materials that did not react. The specific materials depend on the reactants used and the conditions of the reaction. Analytical techniques such as chromatography, spectroscopy, and mass spectrometry can help in identifying the various materials present after a reaction.

What is the left side of a chemical equation called when you are balancing them?

The left side of a chemical equation is called the reactant side when balancing the equation. This side contains the starting materials that participate in the reaction.

Why cant carbon-14 be used to date material that is older than 75000 years?

Carbon-14 has a half-life of about 5,730 years, limiting its usefulness for dating materials older than about 50,000 years. Beyond this point, there are not enough remaining carbon-14 atoms in a sample for accurate dating. Instead, other radiometric dating methods, like potassium-argon dating or uranium-lead dating, are used for older materials.

What are some precautions that can help prevent chemical contamination in reagent containers?

Store reagent containers properly in a cool, dry, and well-ventilated area away from direct sunlight. Use appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) when handling chemicals and follow proper handling procedures. Avoid cross-contamination by ensuring that containers are tightly sealed after use and not left open. Regularly inspect containers for signs of damage or deterioration and replace if necessary.

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Material that have left their origina contianers considerdto be?

Hey! I just learned this in chemistry- as soon as your chemical leaves the original container, it is considered contaminated.

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