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i want to know what to send each credit card bill to pay it off in a certain amount of months. Is there a math formula knowing the amount of the debt / interest rate / and the wanted pay off month and year??

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Q: Math formula for the number of months and how much to pay to end a debt?
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How is the term cost of debt related to business math?

The term cost of debt is related with business math for the simple fact that it uses math in order to be known. To be more precise, the cost of debt is Yield minus the taxed Yield.

What is the formula of the CPRP?

The formula for CPRP (Current portion of long-term debt) is current portion of long-term debt = total long-term debt - non-current portion of long-term debt.

How old does debt have to be to bankrupt it?

you cant put a debt in your bankruptcy that is less than 6 months old.

What are some occupations that use math that begin with the letter D?

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What is the best way to pay off your debt in three months?

The only way you will be able to pay off your debts in three months is if you income to debt ratio is extremely high. That is, if you make quite a lot more than what you owe in debt per month.

How can you clear my debts?

Debt settlement is highly successful and gets you out of debt quicker than any other method (12 - 36 months on average). Debt settlement is the process of negotiating with your creditors/debt collectors for a lower, agreed upon, amount to get you out of debt faster.

How long does a debt judgment take to land on credit report?

5 months

How can one learn how to reduce debt?

Someone can learn how to reduce debt from a number of websites such as Debt Canada. Debt Canada provides individuals and businesses with debt counselling services.

What is a Hardship agreement credit card companies?

A Hardship Agreement, is when you as the consumer agrees to pay the minimum payment with no APR, or finance charges for a number of months. This is the last option you have to pay your debt.

Where can you find debt blogs?

There are a number of blogs dedicated to the subject of debt. Some of the most popular one's include 'Blogging Away Debt', 'Punch Debt in the Face' and 'A Story of Debt'.

If neither the original creditor nor the debt collector has your Social Security number can the debt collector use some means find your number and attach it to the debt?

Yes. There are hundreds of databases available to a debt collector where they could find your SSN.