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Q: Mature cattle over 12 months of age are called?
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When is a quokka mature?

Quokkas are considered to be mature at approximately 389 days (about 12 months) for males and 252 days (just over eight months) for females.

How long before silage can be fed?

Around 3 or 4 months. Normally grass would be harvested in august or sepetember time at the latest, and fed to the cattle over the winter months

What is meat from a cow that is less than one year old called?

The name that is applied to meat that comes from a cattle that is over one year old is "beef."

How much should a 10 month old cow weigh?

A cow is a mature female bovine, and these mature female bovines are not 9 months of age, rather their over 2 years of age. If you are referring to a HEIFER, though, it depends on her breeding. Some may weigh around 700 lbs, the more smaller breeds only 500 lbs, and the larger breeds around 950 lbs.

How tall is the average cattle?

Brahman are often over 5' tall at the shoulder, some 6' tall.

What is the best kind of commercial feed for growing cattle?

There are too many variables at stake here: the age of the growing cattle, what type/breed of cattle (i.e., dairy or beef), the type of feed, etc. But basically there are some rules of thumb regarding protein requirement for growing animals: Cattle that are younger than 6 months of age require a feed with 16 to 18% Crude Protein. Growing cattle around 8 months need around 14% CP, and yearlings require around 12% CP. Fattening steers over 18 months of age require between 10 to 12 % CP.

How many different breeds of cattle are in the US today?

There are over 100 breeds of cattle found in the US, there are over 900 breeds of cattle in the world.

Where were the first cattle before they came to Texas?

The first cattle that Columbus brought over were in the real southeastern part of the United States (or the New World as Columbus called it), which would be now Florida west to Louisiana, before they spread into what is now the state of Texas. These cattle were shipped over from Spain to the New World.

What did a stampede have to do with a cattle drive?

Frightened cattle that run out of control form what is called a stampede. These stampedes are difficult to regain control of, especially when going over difficult terrain in adverse weather conditions.

What cow has a hump on its back?

A severely roach-backed cow. Other than that, there is no breed of bovine that has a hump on its back. Bos indicus cattle like Brahmans have humps, but that is over the shoulders, not the back.

Do cattle eat cattle if it had no other food?

No. Cattle, being strictly herbivores, will choose to starve over cannibalism.

What do you a male chicken?

If it is under three months of age it is called a cockle if it is over three months of age it is a roosterA male chicken is called a rooster. And a female is called a hen. Hope this helped!