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The buttery answer is AMPLITUDE. "Everybody that is look ing up this answer is awsome," from butters on the butter team.

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2w ago

The maximum distance a wave vibrates from its resting position is called the amplitude. It represents the peak displacement of a wave from its equilibrium position. The greater the amplitude, the greater the energy the wave carries.

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13y ago

The answer is AMPLITUDE!

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Q: Maximum distance a wave vibrates from resting position?
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Which characteristic of a wave describes the greatest distance a wave vibrates from a resting position?


What characteristic of a wave describes the greatest distance a wave vibrates from a resting position?

Amplitude describes the greatest distance a wave vibrates from its resting position. It represents the intensity or strength of a wave and is measured from the midpoint to the crest or trough of the wave.

Is the maximum distance what matter is displaced from the resting position?

No, the maximum distance from the resting position is just one aspect of an object's motion. Other factors to consider in motion analysis include speed, acceleration, and direction of movement. The maximum distance alone does not provide a complete understanding of the object's motion.

The maximum distance that the particles of a waves medium vibrate from their resting position?

The maximum distance that particles of a wave's medium vibrate from their resting position is called the amplitude. It represents the strength or intensity of the wave. Amplitude is typically measured from the equilibrium position of a wave to the peak of its oscillation.

What is the the maximum distance of particles from their resting position is called?

It seems most likely to me that you're talking about wave motion, so I will assume so. The maximum distance of particles from their rest position is called the amplitude.

What is the maximum distance from the resting point of a wave?


How does the distance between the resting position ant the crest compare with the distance between the resting position ant the trough?

The distance between the resting position and the crest of a wave is equal to the distance between the resting position and the trough of the wave. This is because waves are symmetric, with equal distances above and below the resting position.

What is the maximum distanced that matter is displaced from the resting position?

The maximum distance that matter is displaced from its resting position is known as the amplitude of the wave, which is half the distance between the peak and trough of the wave.

What waves disturb?

Is the maximum distance that matter is displaced from the resting

What is the distance from the resting position to the crest?

the answer is amplitude. for a+ users.

What is the maximum value a wave reaches relative to its resting position?

The maximum value a wave reaches relative to its resting position is called the amplitude. Amplitude represents the maximum displacement of a wave from its equilibrium position. It is a measure of the wave's intensity or strength.

Which characteristic of waves describe the greatest distance a wave vibrates from a resting position?

It is called the Amplitude. The crest isn't right because the crest/peaks are only the highest points in a wave. People always mix them up.