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There are two types of arrays, associative arrays, and indexed arrays.

Indexed arrays are where you access the items in order, for example

$myArray[0] would be the first item in the array, $myArray[1] would be the second item, and so on.

You can create an indexed array like this:

$myArray = array("item1","item2","item3");

echo $myArray[0]; //item1

echo $myArray[2]; //item3

You can also set your own indexes:

$myArray = array(0=>"item1", 1=>"item2", 5=>"number 5");

echo $myArray[0]; //item1

echo $myArray[2]; //null or doesnt exist, i cant remember

You can also add items after using the square-brackets. If you include a number, that index is set, otherwise it just adds it to the end of the array.

$myArray[9] = "set index 9";

$myArray[] = "add to the end of the array";

Associative arrays use strings instead of numbers.

$colors = array("cat"=>"brown", "dog"=>"yellow", "fish"=>"purple");

echo $colors["cat"]; //brown

echo $colors["fish"]; //purple

And you can add more with the square-brackets again.

$colors["camel"] = "green";

To loop through both types of arrays you can use a foreach loop, or to loop through indexed arrays you can get the length into a variable and a do normal for loop.

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To find the size of an array in PHP you can either use the count() function or the sizeof() function as they will produce the same result. <?php $array = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7); echo count($array); // outputs 7 echo sizeof($array); // outputs 7 ?>

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AWK, Perl and PHP are three examples.

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To pick random results from an array in PHP you will need to use the array_rand() function, you can select the amount of results you wish it too select too. <?php $array = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10); $rand_results = array_rand($array, 3); // will select 3 random results from the array and store in a new array ?>

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