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It means that the universe is cold and heartless. No matter how important you feel you are or how dear you hold anything, the universe doesn't care. We are all insignificant in the universe.

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Q: Meaning of man said to universe sir you exist however replied the universe the fact has not created in me sense of obligation?
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What are some of Stephen Crane famous quotes?

A man said to the universe: "Sir, I exist!" "However," replied the universe, "The fact has not created in me a sense of obligation" "Every sin is the result of collaboration" "When the gods wish to punish us, they answer our prayers."

A man said to universe sir i exist however replied the universe the fact has not created in me sense of obligation?

In this context, the man is expressing his existence and seeking validation or acknowledgment from the universe. The universe's response implies that it does not feel obligated to recognize or validate the man's existence, showcasing a sense of indifference or insignificance in the grand scheme of things. This dialogue captures the existential theme of human beings seeking significance or purpose in a vast and seemingly indifferent universe.

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The concept of geocentrism, which posits that the Earth is the center of the universe with celestial bodies orbiting around it, was widely held by ancient astronomers and philosophers such as Aristotle and Ptolemy. However, it was the Greek philosopher Claudius Ptolemy who developed the most influential geocentric model of the universe in his work "Almagest" in the 2nd century CE.

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We live in the universe known as the observable universe, which is the vast expanse of space that we can observe through telescopes and other instruments. It is estimated to be about 93 billion light-years in diameter and contains billions of galaxies.

Was earth created by science?

No. Some people may believe this, but actually, God, the one real true living God is the one who created the earth.Answer:Science makes no claim that it created the Earth and Universe. It does however accurately describe the natural processes that initiated the beginning of the Universe. This is generally referred to as "The Big Bang"

Is the universe the creation of matter or the expansion of matter which is pre existing?

The matter that existed since the Big Bang is expanding. A few decades ago, a "steady-state" theory was popular; according to it, matter was created as the Universe expanded, thus maintaining the matter density in the Universe constant. However, observational evidence did not support this theory.The matter that existed since the Big Bang is expanding. A few decades ago, a "steady-state" theory was popular; according to it, matter was created as the Universe expanded, thus maintaining the matter density in the Universe constant. However, observational evidence did not support this theory.The matter that existed since the Big Bang is expanding. A few decades ago, a "steady-state" theory was popular; according to it, matter was created as the Universe expanded, thus maintaining the matter density in the Universe constant. However, observational evidence did not support this theory.The matter that existed since the Big Bang is expanding. A few decades ago, a "steady-state" theory was popular; according to it, matter was created as the Universe expanded, thus maintaining the matter density in the Universe constant. However, observational evidence did not support this theory.

What does indemnity mean?

A legal obligation to cover a liability, however arising.

Does mass increase as universe expends?

No, mass does not increase as the universe expands. Mass is a conserved quantity, meaning it remains constant in a closed system. However, the total amount of mass within an expanding universe stays the same, even though the volume of space it occupies increases.

What Legal obligation do i have when running over a cat?

As far as I know, there is no legal obligation. However, you have a moral obligation to find the owners, apologize to them, and offer to pay for the cat's burial/cremation. You'd have to be a pretty horrible person not to do that.

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They believed in a heliocentric universe. This meaning that the earth was not the center of the universe, but that the sun was. However, many people , including the church, did not agree with this theory. Instead they believed in a geocentric universe. Plato and Aristotle believed in this theory.

What was the first life ever created in the universe?

We can never be sure about the universe at large. There are potentially millions of habitable planets in this galaxy alone, some of which may have developed intelligent beings with the capacity to create life. However, on Earth, the first artificially created organic lifeform was Mycoplasma mycoides, created by Craig Venter and associates, in 2010.