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the "weight" of either one

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Amie Smitham

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2y ago
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13y ago

The attractive force F between two masses M1 and M2 separated by a distance L is given by F = [M1 x M2]/L2 multiplied by a gravitational constant, G. If Masses are in Kg and distances in meters, the value of G is 6.67 x 10-11 , and F is in Newtons.

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12y ago

Force of gravity is measured in the same units as other forces, namely Newton (N) where 1 N = 1 kg/(m*s2). Force of gravity is given by the formula Fg = Gm1m2/r2 where m1 and m2 are the masses of the two objects and r is the distance between them. Theoretically, the two objects will move toward the centre of mass for this two-object system (e.g. two equally massive objects will move toward the midpoint of the line that connects them).

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11y ago

In our usual experience, it is the gravitational attraction of the planet Earth toward the objects on its surface which we measure, and this is called weight. It is also true that every material object has its own gravitational field, so that the stapler and the pen on my desk have a gravitational attraction for each other, but it is so small that we could not observe it.

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Q: Measure of gravitational attraction or force or gravity pulling one object toward the center of another object?
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Measure of gravitational attraction or force of gravity pulling one object toward the center of another object?

Weight is the measurement of the gravitational force acting on an object, pulling it towards the center of another object, such as the Earth. The weight of an object depends on its mass and the strength of the gravitational field it is in.

Who developed gravitational attraction?

No one developed gravitational attraction. Gravity is a built-in characteristic of the physics of our world and everything in it.

How do comets come toward the earth?

Comets follow eccentric orbits that bring them closer to the Sun, causing them to release gas and dust that forms their tail. Occasionally, Earth crosses paths with these comet orbits, bringing them relatively close to our planet, but they typically pose no threat to Earth due to their small size and distant trajectory.

When is gravity zero?

The force of gravitational attraction between two masses is never zero. There is a force of gravitational attraction between a hair on your head and the smallest moon in the farthest galaxy. The force may be too small to measure, but it's never zero.

Difference between gravitational force and force of gravity?

Gravitational force refers to the attraction between two objects due to their mass, as described by Newton's law of universal gravitation. On the other hand, the force of gravity refers specifically to the gravitational force acting on an object due to the mass of a larger celestial body, such as the Earth pulling objects towards its center. They are essentially describing the same physical phenomenon from different perspectives.

Measure of the force of attraction between objects due to gravity?

The measure of the force of attraction between objects due to gravity is called weight. Weight is determined by the mass of the objects and the gravitational force acting on them, commonly measured using units such as pounds or newtons.

Does gravity from the moon and earth form tides?

No, it is the gravitational attraction of the moon.

Why do small planets have weak gravity?

Gravitational attraction is proportional to mass.

How does newton's law of universal gravity relate to ocean movements?

The tides are caused by the gravitational attraction of the moon, and to a lesser degree, the gravitational attraction of the sun, on the oceans.

What are two factors that affect gravitational attraction between objects?

gravity and its orbit

The amount of gravitational attraction on an object is known as?

force due to gravity

What Two factors that affect the gravitational attraction between objects are?

Two factors that affect the gravitational attraction between objects are the mass of the objects and the distance between them. The greater the mass of the objects, the stronger the gravitational attraction, while increasing the distance between the objects weakens the gravitational force.