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Q: Minerals that act to assist enzyme activity are called?
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Related questions

What is the Effect of mineral and vitamin deficiency on enzyme activity?

many vitamins and minerals play crucial roles in many metabolisms as coenzyme or cofactor. Deficiency of those lower the related-enzyme activity.

What are cofactors in cells and what are they derived from?

Cofactors are nonprotein additions that are needed for enzyme activity. Cofactors are derived from vitamins and minerals.

What can you do to regain the activity of the enzyme?

The enzyme is inactive at this point. New enzyme must be added to regain enzyme activity

What are the effects of physical activity on enzyme activity?

Physical activity can alter the shape of enzyme which can cause damage or may the enzyme become inactive

An enzyme whose activity is affected when a molecule binds to a certain site other than the active site is called?

an allosteric enzyme

What do activators and inhibitors help regulate?

Activators and inhibitors help regulate the activity of enzymes. Activators can enhance enzyme activity by binding to the enzyme, while inhibitors can decrease enzyme activity by binding to the enzyme and preventing it from functioning properly.

Which organic molecule is sometimes required for certain enzyme activity called?


Can the presence of inhibitors or activitors affect enzyme activity?

Yes, inhibitors can decrease enzyme activity by binding to the enzyme and preventing substrate binding. Activators can increase enzyme activity by binding to the enzyme and enhancing substrate binding or catalytic activity. Both inhibitors and activators can modulate enzyme activity by changing the enzyme's structure or function.

This essential substance increases the rate of a biochemical reaction?

An enzyme is a type of protein that acts as a catalyst to speed up biochemical reactions.

What are the effects of freezing on enzyme activity?

When an enzyme is frozen, it only slows down activity. Unlike boiling an enzyme, it does not stop it from working.

What switchs on enzyme activity while what can switch off or reduce enzyme activity?

activators; inhibitors

What is the effect of cold temperatures on enzyme activity?

Cold temperatures have a drastic effect on an enzyme's activity level. Cold temperatures usually dramatically slow down an enzyme's activity.