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Her name means 'night' and she is the Roman personification of the night.

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Q: More facts about Roman goddess Nox?
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Related questions

Who was nox?

She was the Roman goddess of night. She is also Nyx in Greek mythology.

Does the roman goddess Nox have any good or bad traits?

She seems to be just the night, neither bad nor good.

What are common nicknames for the Greek goddess Nyx?

=i be not zo shur, but i tink her roman name is nox! : D=

Who is the Roman named Nox?

Nox, also known as Nyx, was the Roman God of Night.

What is the roman name of nyx?


What is the Roman lord of the underworld?

proserpine/proserpina was the roman goddess of the underworld

The Roman name Nox stands for?

'Nox', in Latin, means 'night'. It used in the Harry Potter series; lumos produces light, nox shuts it off.

Where is the roman goddess nyx from?

The symbol for the Greek goddess Nyx was a crescent moon or a star. If you want to read some fantasy books containing Nyx, then I recommend The House of Night series (random recommendation there.)

What was the Roman goddess of night?

"Question should read 'who' not 'what' and the answer is Nyx" Don't be so cocky if you're going to get the answer wrong. Nyx is the greek goddess of the night. The roman one is Nox. And the 'who' and 'what' depends on if you believe it was an actual existing person or not. Seeing as they were really just fictituous personalities represented by idols or the like then the preface 'What' is perfectly acceptable.

What was the goddess of night?

"Question should read 'who' not 'what' and the answer is Nyx" Don't be so cocky if you're going to get the answer wrong. Nyx is the greek goddess of the night. The roman one is Nox. And the 'who' and 'what' depends on if you believe it was an actual existing person or not. Seeing as they were really just fictituous personalities represented by idols or the like then the preface 'What' is perfectly acceptable.

Who was the greek goddess nyx's siblings?

The Greek Goddess, Nyx (also sometimes called Nox), the Goddess of the night, was born from Chaos. Her siblings include some of the oldest deitys in Greek mythology, such as Gaia (earth), Erebus (darkness) and Tartarus (the underworld)

Who is the god of darkness?

I believe your talking about the Roman god of death which is Pluto, also known as Hades in Greek mythology.A:The Roman goddess of the night was known as Nox; the Greeks called her Nyx. Please see the attached link.