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Q: Most larger particles are removed from water by?
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Why water evaporates most quickly than other liquids?

Water does not have any other particles to evaporate such as sugar particles.

Will large particles cool water quicker than small particles?

If you have a handful of cold particles, and you want to toss them into a glassof water in order to cool it, then it'll happen faster if the particles are small.That way, there is more cold surface area in contact with the water toconduct heat out of it, and all of this is the main reason why the bartenderuses crushed ice in most drinks.

In which state of matter are the particles close together but still able to flow?

Particles are closest together in most solids, though there is very little difference between the spacing in solids and liquids. Particles are very far apart in a gas. Water is not a state of matter. It is an individual substance, and can exist as solid, liquid or gas depending on the temperature and pressure. However it is rather unusual in that the particles in solid water (ice) are actually further apart than those in cold liquid water, which is why ice floats.

In which state have the particles absorbed the most heat?

Particles have absorbed the most heat energy in the gas state.

How can insoluble particles can be removed from a hot solution?

Boil the solution. it works for salt water. If the particles are insoluble, you don't need to boil anything... just filter the solution using filter paper. (Salt water is soluble -- it is dissolved, but an insoluble particle is a solid in the liquid).

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Most wind abrasion is caued by larger particles of soil called what

Which sediment will allow water to pass through most easily?

sediments made of larger particles will have larger spaces between them, and thus allow greater fluid flow.

Which has the most energy particles in steam particles in liquid water particles in ice or particles in freezing water?

The particles have most energy in particles in steam. In a gas. the particles move more freely, Therefore, there is more energy in the steam. :D LOL

How do you relocate fish and fish tank?

That depends on how big the tank is. Small tanks that are easy to carry can have most of the water removed and then be picked up and relocated. Larger tanks will need to have the fish, water, plants, rocks etc removed and then be re landscaped after it has been relocated.

Why water evaporates most quickly than other liquids?

Water does not have any other particles to evaporate such as sugar particles.

Which particles have the most energy cold water or hot coffee?

Water, as it has smaller particles that are tightly bunched together. Coffee has very large particles, like alchohol.

What is flocculate?

Flocculation is one step in the water and wastewater treatment process. In a flocculation tank, the water is stirred or otherwise moved around so that the particles move around, bump into other particles, and stick to one another. Eventually the small and difficult to remove particles in the water form large clumps which can then be easily removed. Chemicals (most commonly "alum") are often added to the water going into a flocculation tank to help aid particle formation.

What is flocculation?

Flocculation is one step in the water and wastewater treatment process. In a flocculation tank, the water is stirred or otherwise moved around so that the particles move around, bump into other particles, and stick to one another. Eventually the small and difficult to remove particles in the water form large clumps which can then be easily removed. Chemicals (most commonly "alum") are often added to the water going into a flocculation tank to help aid particle formation.

If everything is made out of particles why cant you see them unless you have a microscope?

Essentially, this is because the particles are too small - only with the most powerful electron microscopes can larger atoms be seen.

What are reasons that one should consider a charcoal water filter?

A charcoal or carbon water filter is among the most popular types of water filtration. The reason for this is because charcoal in nature operates as a filtration system for ground water. It naturally removed particles and contaminants without adding a distinctly chemical taste.

Do honey bees cap over sugar water?

Not until they have removed most of the water.

What are sedimentary are?

Sedimentary rocks are most often lithified sediments, the origin of which may be from igneous, metamorphic, or other sedimentary rock, and in some cases chemical solutions or organic matter. Erosion and weathering of rock creates a range of rock particles from boulder sized to microscopic. These particles are transported by wind, water or landslide to a point of deposition or resting place. If these particles continue to be covered with additional layers of particles, the compression from the weight above, will, in time remove most of the water from the sediments. As the water is removed, cementing minerals, such as calcite or quartz, solidify from the remaining solution and fill in the gaps between the particles. The result is a lithified sediment, better known as sedimentary rock.