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Q: Most of the water in the air comes from?
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From where do the living things on earth receive most of their energy?

that depends on what it is. if its a plant it comes from air water and sunlight. if its an animal it comes from food water and sleep. if you are only looking for one thing that energy mostly comes from it would be water.

How does oxygen get in to water?

it comes from the air around you

Where does matter from a plant come from?

It comes from soil, water, and air.

Where does most of the evaporation comes from?

If you are referring to water vapor in the atmosphere, most comes from the largest water source on the planet, the oceans.

Where does most water evaporation on the Earth comes from?

If you are referring to water vapor in the atmosphere, most comes from the largest water source on the planet, the oceans.

Which substance expands the most in boiling water when they are sealed in syringes is it air iron or water?

Air expands the most.

Does salt comes from sea water?

yes Not all salt. There are salt mines all over the world where most of our salt comes from.

Which is less dense cold air or cold water?

cold air because when the temperature drops hot air rises and cold air comes to ground level,cold water and hot water have the same density.

What is the most effective means of corrosion?

I think AIR is the most effective mean of corrosion and the most appealing example is the corrosion of iron when it comes in contact with air.

When water drops form on cold glass where does the water comes from?

The water comes from the air. Air as it exists under normal conditions in the atmosphere contains some small fraction of water vapor. When the glass is cold the water molecules strike the glass and cool off, becoming liquid.

Where do the substances come from in respiration?

Glucose comes from sugar in food. Oxygen comes from air we breath in. Water comes from water we drink. Carbon dioxide comes from gas we breath out. Enery comes from glucose absorbed in the small intestine.

Why does your car leak fluid every time you reverse?

most likely it is water coming from the air-conditioner unit. this water comes from the air that is cooled by the air-conditioner. the water is supposed to drain from the car when the car is level. OR, if the liquid is coloured it is from the engines cooling system. this means you have a leak and it is catching somewhere. when you reverse it runs out of the catchment.