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The most stressful event according to the Holmes and Rahe Life Events Scale is the death of a child or spouse.

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Q: Most stressful events on life stress scale?
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The single most stressful life event on the life stress scale is the death of a spouse?

NO. Losing a spouse is NOT a "top stressful life event" .... it would be in the "top life traumas" I respectfully disagree. Death of a spouse IS a life event, and in fact, is #1 on everyone's scale of most stressful life events (it is #1 on life events for adults; death of a parent is #1 for non-adults). Even things that should be happy occasions (vacation, holidays) have a stress rating.

True or false The single most stressful life event on the life stress scale is the death of a spouse?

true it is stressful that sucks losing someone :(

The single most stressful life event on the life stress scale is the death of a spouse. True False?

true it is stressful that sucks losing someone :(

Where is moving as one of life's stressful events?

Moving is often cited as one of life's most stressful events due to the physical and emotional challenges it presents. The disruption of routine, the logistical aspects of packing and transport, and the emotional toll of leaving familiar surroundings all contribute to the stress of moving.

Are life events a personal cause of stress?

Yes! Your body internalizes the stress of major life events. Therefore stress can manifest itself physically through various health issues. The most stressful life events are: Death of a spouse Divorce Marriage separation Jail term Death of a close relative Injury or illness Marriage Fired from job Marriage reconciliation Retirement

What is the first and most important thing to do manage stress?

The first and most important thing to do to manage stress is to identify what is stressful to you and figure out how to cope with it.

Is the first and most important thing to do to manage stress?

The first and most important thing to do to manage stress is to identify what is stressful to you and figure out how to cope with it.

What is the stress most?

Christmas is the most stressful holiday because you have to buy things for people that you know they will actually like

What is the Single most significant factor that contributes to suicide?

Stressful life changing events.

What are the stressful situations that you experienced in graphic design?

In my opinion the most stressful situation is finishing for the deadline. But that is not highly stressful (e.g. like the stress of a surgeon during surgery). The actual designing is fun and relaxing - if you like it.

What is the stress experienced by a chemist?

Chemistry is very complex; some intellectual stress results. Chemists may also have occasion to handle very toxic and/or highly explosive chemicals, which can also be stressful. Research chemists often have to worry about getting research grants, which is the most stressful aspect of chemistry. But in spite of those sources of stress, I would still say that on the whole, chemistry is not an overly stressful occupation, for those who are qualified to practice it.

How did you handle the most stressful situation you encountered most recently?

you have to just face the situation and solve it. no matter how hard it is, the only way to relieve stress is to solve it.