

Most surface waves are caused by?

Updated: 6/11/2024
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13y ago

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Most surface waves are caused by wind. Tsunamis are formed by heat and circular wind motions. Tidal waves are caused by hurricanes with huge wind currents.

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1d ago

Most surface waves are caused by the wind blowing over the surface of the water, creating ripples and waves. Other factors that can cause surface waves include seismic activity, tides, and underwater landslides.

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Most surface waves are caused by the action of 'earthquakes' or 'winds'?

Surface waves are primarily caused by earthquakes rather than winds. Earthquakes generate seismic waves that propagate along Earth's surface, leading to ground shaking. Winds, on the other hand, primarily generate ocean surface waves rather than seismic surface waves.

What causes a surface wave?

Surface waves are caused by the interaction between seismic waves and the Earth's surface. These waves travel along the Earth's crust and can cause the ground to shake horizontally and vertically. Surface waves are typically the most destructive type of seismic waves during an earthquake.

Surface waves are caused by?

They are caused by wind.

What are the waves on the surface of the ocean most caused by?

The wind transfering some energy to the water and forming waves. Hence when its windier, you get bigger waves

Most waves are caused by what blowing over the surface of the water?

Most waves are caused by wind blowing over the surface of the water, transferring energy to the water which creates ripples and larger wave formations.

What describes the cause of waves in the ocean?

Waves in the ocean are mainly caused by the wind transferring energy to the water's surface. When the wind blows over the water, it creates friction, causing the water to move in ripples that develop into waves. Other factors like tides, earthquakes, and underwater landslides can also contribute to wave formation in the ocean.

Can rivers have waves if so what causes them?

Certainly. Waves are caused by the wind on the surface.

What is the term for a water wave that is caused by underwater earthquake?

Body waves Body waves and surface waves are the two types of seismic waves formed during great earthquakes. P waves and S waves are called body waves because they travel through the body of the Earth. Surface waves Love waves and Rayleigh waves travel only on the surface of the Earth and cause the most destruction.

Which earthquake waves do the most damage to surface structures and buildings?

Surface waves

What are waves are caused by?

Waves are typically caused by disturbances or vibrations in a medium, such as water, air, or a solid material. These disturbances create a series of oscillations that propagate through the medium, resulting in the formation of waves.

Why are surface waves the most destructive waves?

Surface waves travel more slowly than body waves but are mor distructive. Most of the damage during an earthquake comes from surface waves which can literally shake the ground out from under a building.

Which earthquake waves are most destructive to buildings?

technically any seismic wave can destroy a building, but the one most likely to do it are the surface waves