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Q: Moving a bone or limb away from the mid-line of the body known as?
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What is Action of moving a body part away from body?

Abduction is the term used to describe the action of moving a body part away from the body's midline. This movement typically occurs in the frontal plane and is the opposite of adduction, which is moving a body part closer to the body's midline.

What is the movement opposite to abduction?

Abduction, which is moving a body part away from midline.

What a is sideways movement of a limb?

The sideways movement of a limb is called abduction or adduction. Abduction is moving a limb away from the body's midline, while adduction is bringing a limb closer to the body's midline.

What is abduction in medical terms?

Moving the body part away from the midline of the body.Abduction means to move away from the trunk of your body, such as moving your arms away from the body

What is the movement of the humerus?

Abduction of the arm involves the humerus moving laterally. Abduction means moving a limb or finger away from the midline of the body or limb.

What is the difference between Abduction and Adduction?

Abduction is moving a body part away from the midline. (Ex. If you stand straight up and move your arm out and away from your body it is considered Abduction). Adduction is the total opposite and it means to move toward the midline. (Bring your arm back down to your side is adduction).

What is the medical term meaning process of carrying away from?

Abduction is movement away from the midline of the body.

Is the nose lateral to the cheekbones?

medial: towards the midline (ear to nose) lateral: away from the midline (nose to ear) nose is midline, cheekbone is away from midline Answer: No, the nose is towards the midline as compared to the cheekbones. It is medial.

Is abduction the movement of a body part away from the mid-line of the body?

False.Adduction is the movement toward the body. Abduction is the movement away from the body.

How does the anatomical lateral position differ from the term medial?

Its C: Away from the midline of the body or body part.

What directional terms refers to body parts further away from a reference point?

Lateral is a positional term that means away from the midline of the body.

What are abductors and adductors?

Abductor muscles pull a limb away from the midline of the body e.g. abductor muscles pull