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Q: Moving water spins the blades of this?
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What kind of blades makes moving water spin?


What is a set of steam-powered fan blades that spins a generator at a power plant?

A set of steam-powered fan blades that spins a generator at a power plant is called a turbine. The steam produced by boiling water is used to drive the turbine blades, converting the thermal energy into mechanical energy to rotate the generator and produce electricity.

What is a fan that turns in moving air steam or water?

A turbine is a rotary machine driven by blades or paddles that are turned by a moving stream of water, steam, or gas.

What apparatus are needed to generate hydro-electricity?

Moving water (dams, rivers, tides) and turbines (like an electric motor in reverse) that will produce electricity when the moving water spins them round.

What type of blades parson's reaction has?

only moving blades

What type of blades Parson's reaction turbine has?

only moving blades

What spins the turbine of coal-burning power plant?

Steam produced by heating water with the coal's heat energy spins the turbine of a coal-burning power plant. The high-pressure steam flows through the turbine blades, causing them to turn and drive the generator that produces electricity.

How is wind power used as energy?

The wind spins propellor blades which turn a generator producing electricity.


Kayaking is the use of a kayak for moving over water. It is distinguished from canoeing by the sitting position of the paddler and the number of blades on the paddle.

What is the use energy from tides?

Tidal energy is captured by using turbines. When the tide comes in or out the moving water spins turbines that generate energy or electricity.

What are the moving things on a helicopter called?

Rotor blades.

What is a stage of an impulse turbine?

In an impulse turbine, the stage is a set of moving blades behind the nozzle. In a reaction turbine, each row of blades is called a "stage." A single Curtis stage may consist of two or more rows of moving blades.