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Q: Mr Brown's dismissal caused the union's Grievance Committee?
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How does a disfellowshipped Jehovah's Witness get reinstated?

They talk to their local elders about being reinstated. The elders will designate a committee of their number to speak with the disfellowshipped person to see if he is truly repentant of the sin he committed, but was not repentant when he met the judicial committee that disfellowshipped him in the first place. If he is in a new congregation from the one where he was disfellowshipped, and the committee in the new congregation conclude that he deeply regrets his past sin, has ceased to practice it, is grieved not just at having lost association with other Witnesses but really regrets the pain he caused Jehovah God, the new committee will send a letter giving their recommendation to the elders of the congregation where he was disfellowshipped, who will then make the decision to reinstate the disfellowshipped person or not. The reason for this is that the original congregation discovered the sin and may have seen a pattern of lying to cover up the wrongdoing. The new committee did not see the wrongdoer when he was not repentant, and so cannot evaluate the contrast as well as the elders in the original congregation. No letter has to be written to the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses to be reinstated.