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The scrotum can have "odor" just as the underarms can smell badly. Even more than the underarms, the scrotum is in a contained, restricted area, close against the body.

Every person sweats to differing degrees; some people sweat very little, but other people sweat a lot. In addition to sweat, the scrotum picks up odors from the two areas closest to it: the penis and the anus. Most men are taught from young childhood to place the penis in a "downward" position for comfort and to reduce the risk of injury from clothing, such as the zipper. But, when the penis is placed downward after urination, small droplets of urine can still be at the tip of the penis, even after men "shake" the penis or "dab" with tissue. As the penis rests against the scrotum (center or off to one side), the warmth between the two structures becomes a place where sweat, urine, and other odors mingle. Warmth compounds the intensity of any odors, especially urine or the musky smell after intercourse. As well, the posterior (back) and under side of the scrotum is very close to the rectum, which adds it's natural odors to the mix.

A very important point men should know is that all body parts have normal "flora", a mixture of bacteria that normally exist on each person's skin and in every orifice. For example, the mouth, ears, nose, vagina, and penile opening (urethra) have flora that is normal for *that* person. But in moist areas (mouth, underarms, pelvic areas on men and women) and especially that stay extra warm, the normal flora can begin to be out of balance, meaning some bacteria can begin to multiply. While it isn't necessarily enough growth to be an "infection", it can cause more odors.

Teens and men need to pay special attention to cleaning, especially on the folds of the scrotum and need to dry these areas completely. Careful attention should be given to the penis/urethra, and to the foreskin if uncircumcised. All men should have been taught how to clean if uncircumcised, but with many households headed by moms only, some men were never taught how to properly pull back the foreskin and clean under it before enclosing the penis head again. If you were never shown how, you can ask a male physician these questions-- physicians have heard it all and the question is common!

Men (and women) shouldn't forget to wash the small area of skin between the "front" and the anus. That skin is called the perineum and many odors begin there because it is hidden between the legs. Unless sitting, it is rarely "exposed" and when sitting, it is covered by clothing. This makes a dark, moist area that can harbor many kinds of bacteria, especially from the anus. Bowel movements contain a bacteria called E Coli which is responsible for so many outbreaks of diarrhea and vomiting when people don't wash their hands after going to the bathroom. But, when men or women wipe improperly the BM and E Coli can sit on that skin, the perineum. Wiping should ALWAYS be from front to back after a bowel movement. During regular bathing, make sure to wash that area and dry it well to reduce the warm-wet environment.

After thoroughly cleaning and patting the scrotum and folds dry, make sure to clean along each "groin" area. The groin is where the elastic of underwear sits at the top of each thigh. Wash alongside the scrotum, front to back, along the groin area.

After drying, corn starch patted on the area in *small* amounts can help control odors, whereas powders simply cake on the skin and cause irritation, redness, skin breakdown and only mask odors rather than reduce odors. Perfumes or sprays can actually make odor problems seem much worse (for women and men).

Lastly, many teens and men re-use the same underwear/shorts over several days. (We women don't understand why men do this, since most women change underclothes every day or a couple times a day.) It's true that most people can't smell the odors left on their own clothes-- until the smell is strong. So if you suffer from pelvic odors, change underwear at least once a day. Your scrotum will feel more comfortable and less irritated, and you'll get rid of the odors left on yesterday's clothing.

Also, some people truly have more body odors. If you follow the steps suggested here but still have strong odor, consult a general physician or urologist. There are some new "anti-sweat" medications that people can use when the sweating causes bad odor.

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fishy smell is seen as a sign of uncleanliness

Answer:Fishy odor is usually due to the buildup of bacteria in or around your vaginal. Have it check with your doctor to make sure it is not something serious. Most women who experience fishy odor between their legs may have bacterial vaginosis, which is accompanied by white or greyish discharge.
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tell your girl to take a shower before having sex and you too... if this percist she might have some vaginal infection that you dont know about it

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