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Annam (French way) or Trung Kỳ (Vietnamese way).

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The central region in Vietnam is ANNAM

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Q: Name of central region of Vietnam in French Colonial period?
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What is the name of the central region of Vietnam duing the French colonial period?


Was Reading in Vietnam was highest during the period of French colonial rule?

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The primary ethnic groups are descended from the native tribes, which intermarried with Europeans, mainly the Spanish and French, during the colonial period (1500-1980).

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Vietnam was once a part of China so its religion and government traditionally were based on the Chinese model. They used the Chinese writing system until the 13th century where they developed their own system. During the French colonial period, they developed a romanized writing system developed by missionaries.

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it looked like the french uniform because at that time the spanish king was related to the french crown, for more just google "spanish army colonial uniforms"

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The colonial period lasted from 1600 to about 1974

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A country's colonial legacy is the buildings, infrastructure, customs, language, and institutions carried forward from its colonial period into its postcolonial period. For example, the fact that most people in Mali speak French as a second language is part of their colonial legacy.