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aluminium bromide lead

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Q: Name the metals extracted by electrolysis?
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What metals can be extracted from its ore by heat alone?


Which metal oxides will not react with carbon?

Metals which are above Carbon in the reactivity series, eg. Magnesium. These metals need to be extracted by electrolysis.

Which metals are extracted by electrolysis of their molten salts?

Aluminum and magnesium are the two metals in greatest volume that are produced by electrolyzing their molten salts.

How are the very reactive metals high up in the reactivity series extracted from their ores?

reactive metals can often be extracted by electrolysis where there ore is disolved into a solvent and an electric current is passed through.

How is potassium extracted from the earth?

it is extracted from electrolysis of potash.

How are minerals extracted from their ores?

metals are extracted from their ores according to their reactivity series.firstly, metals that are more reactive that carbon are extracted by electrolysis whic is breaking the compounds down using electricity.secondly, metals that are less reactive than carbon are extracted by reduction in which carbon is added to the metal ore, carbon react with oxygen and the metal remain by itself pure.example: Zinc oxide + Carbon ----> Zinc + Carbon dioxideGold and Platinum are found in nature by themselves.

How and why aluminum is extracted by electrolysis?

Aluminium is extracted using electrolysis only! Electrolysis is the process where ionic substances are broken down into simpler substances using electricity

How was lithium the element extracted?

Lithium is extracted as the molten metal by a process of electrolysis.

Why can't aluminium be extracted the same way as iron?

It's not that it cannot be extracted through electrolysis, but it is because electrolysis is a very expensive process, and hence is only used for very reactive metals.

Why are aluminium and titanium expensive to extract?

They are reactive metals, and so need to be extracted from their ores using electricity, whereas less reactive metals like iron can be extracted by smelting - roasting with carbon - which is a lot cheaper to do. Both metals are useful because they both do not corrode, as they both have an oxide layer to protect them from corrosion. They both need to be extracted by a process called "electrolysis" which means to break up substances using electricity. Electrolysis uses a lot of energy (ie- very high temperatures) and a great deal of electricity. Therefore we need to recycle aluminium to conserve energy, as recycling aluminium does not require electrolysis.

What Are Metals Manufactured From?

A few metals are found 'native', that is as the metal and only need separating from the surrounding materials, e.g. gold and silver. Most metals have to be chemically extracted from whatever compounds we can find. Iron is often found as its oxide and is extracted by heating with coke and limestone in a blast furnace. Sodium is found as sodium chloride and we obtain it by electrolysis of the melt. The method used depends on what will work and what it costs. Methods include displacement by carbon (coke), displacement by another metal, and electrolysis.

How is chlorine extracted from sodium chloride salts?

by electrolysis