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Halley's comet - which returns to our solar system approximately every 75 years - is one example, named after it's discoverer Edmund Halley. Another notable example is Shoemaker-Levy 9. It was observed orbiting the planet Jupiter, but the orbit was decaying - leading to the prediction that it was to crash into Jupiter's surface.

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16y ago

the 2 famous comets are halebopps comet and halleys comet

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9y ago

Lexell's Comet and Halley's Comet are two famous comets. Lexell's Comet was discovered in 1770, while Halley's Comet was discovered in prehistoric times.

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14y ago

Hale-Bopp and Haley's comet

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Q: Who are 2 famous comets named after?
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Related questions

Who named comets comets?

I think it was Aristotle who first used the Greek word from which "comet" is derived.

How are comets named?

Usually after the people they were spotted by.

Is all comets named after people?

think about it

Was Edmond Halley pro or amateur?

A pro or amateur what? He was a pro at figuring out comets and their orbits. He also has a bunch of stuff named after him, including the famous comet of all.

What are the names of 5 famous comets?

1 - Halley's 2 - Lovejoy 3 - Hale-Bopp 4 - Ison 5 - Shoemaker-Levy 9 Note: Obviously that's a matter of opinion to some extent. I would have a different list. See "related link" below for a list of some famous comets. Note: Unfortunately, the photo and caption for the "eclipse comet of 1948" is wrong in this link.

Are comets meteors and asteroids named?

Many comets and many asteroids are named, though not all, particulary not all asteroids. As for meteors, as they happen in an instant when a piece of ice, dust, dirt or rock enters the Earth's atmosphere and burns up and then they are gone, they are not named.

What are some famous comets?

Comet HALE-BOPPComet SWIFT-TUTTLE (1992)Comet HYAKUTAKEComet HALLEYMost comets are "famous" because they provide viewable tails, and because they reappear on a regular schedule, or after a period of years.

What comet was named after a Dutch astronomor?

I'm not too sure there was a comet named after a Dutch Astronomer.In all likelihood, the best Dutch Astronomer associated with comets was Dr. Jan Hendrik Oort who the Oort cloud of comets bears his name.

What is one of several heavenly bodies named for there discoverers?

Comets are named for their discoverers. For example, Halley's comet was named after its discoverer, Edmund Halley. Many stars are also named for their discoverers.

What are the famous members of comets?

Bill Haley is really the only one I can think of by name, and he wasn't really a Comet himself; the band was billed as "Bill Haley and His Comets."

What man is named after a comet?

The comet was named after the man not the other way around. No man as far as I am aware has been named after a comet with the possible exception of Bill Halley and the comets?

Are there other names for comets?

comets are given the designation reflecting the date of discovery of the comet. they were named by their discoverers with certain guidelines about what constitutes a discovery and how many discoverers may be named.