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iron and steel

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Q: Name two metals that are attracted to a magnet?
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Can a magnet and metal propel?

Magnets are most commonly made out of metal, so yes, two metal magnets can repel. But metals such as iron are attracted to magnets even if the metal itself is not magnetized. Iron is attracted to both poles of a magnet, and it can not be repelled by a magnet.

Why is a steel attracted to a magnet?

Magnets are just certain minerals that create a strong magnetic field. Everything in the universe, down to our atoms, creates a magnetic field (which is why you can't walk through walls, even though the atoms in you are relatively far apart from one another). Some metals (such as iron) have a magnetic field that is attracted to the field from a magnet. So, the two objects, if given the opportunity, will try to go nearer to each other.

Should pure nickel attract a magnet?

Yes, pure nickel is one of the few metals that's ferromagnetic; i.e. it's attracted to a magnet and can itself be magnetized. Iron and cobalt are the only other two common ferromagnetic metals. Gadolinium, neodymium and samarium are the remaining metals.

What are the only three naturally occurring magnetic metals?

There are four. Iron, Nickel, Cobalt and Gadolinium. Source: Higher Chemistry

Why are the two poles of a magnet attracted to each other?

different poles have different charges, and different charges are attracted to each other

What are two good conductors of energy that are not attracted to a magnet?

You should clarify what sort of energy you are talking about.

Which pole of a magnet is attracted to iron?

Any of the two poles will work. It will induce magnetism in the iron.

If two magnets are attracted to one another and another two are repelling the two magnets that are being attracted can you move the 2 magnets by repelling it by the repelling magnet?

Yes. Just ensure the the like poles are facing each other. Like poles repel.The two magnets that are attracting are effectively one magnet.It would look like this:-([-magnet 1+]first pair attracting[-magnet 2+])++(+[magnet 1-]second pair repelling[-magnet 2+])+

What is magnetisum?

Magnetism is the force with which objects are attracted or repelled to one another. Usually these objects are metals such as iron. Every magnet has two poles. This is where most of its magnetic strength is most powerful. These poles are called north and south or north-seeking and south seeking poles. The poles are called this as when a magnet is hung or suspended the magnet lines up in a north - south direction. When the north pole of one magnet is placed near the north pole of another magnet, the poles are repelled. When the south poles of two magnets are placed near one another, they also are repelled from one another. When the north and south poles of two magnets are placed near one another, they are attracted to one another. The attraction repelling of two magnets towards one another depends on how close they are to each other and how strong the magnetic force is within the magnet. The further apart of the magnets are the less they are attracted or repelled to one another.

Why do magnets only attract to certain metals?

Magnets rely on the semi-free transfer of electrons between the magnet itself and the magnetic object allowing the molecules to be aligned to the same orientation as the magnet. Metals are the most common source of such a material but are not the only elements out there that react to a magnetic field.

Can a two pound coin be picked up by a magnet?

No. Coins are manufactured from non-magnetic metals.

What is the separation method to separate steel?

You would usually use a magnet, which is just called using a magnet.