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Q: Narcan is used to counteract the affects of what?
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What does Narcan do to some one that is not on opiate's?

Nothing, Narcan is used to reverse opiate toxicity. It can only be used to reverse the effects of opiates.

What is Narcan?

Narcan is administered to a patient that is having an opiate overdose. It counteracts the opiates.

What routine treatments for coma are there?

Because of their low incidence of side effects and potential for prompt reversal of coma in certain conditions, glucose, the B-vitamin thiamine, and Narcan (to counteract any narcotic-type drugs) are routinely given.

What should the patient be monitored for after receiving Narcan?

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Can narcan be used in cardiac arrests?

Yes, if the suspicion is that the cardiac arrest is of opiod overdose origin

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I'm an author who needs to find a soluble drug to sedate someone (against their will and without them knowing) but then be able to counteract the effects.I was directed toward opioids, which would then be counteracted by Narcan but can't find specifics?

i dont konw any but try asking a docter

What s narcotic overdose and its effective antidote?

Narcan works almost ever time for opiate and tramadol overdose.

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Dors narcan have sedative effects?

Rather the opposite. Narcan is a narcotic blocker. It's side effects are akin to those of a stimulant.

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