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pyloric part ( pyloric antrum and pyloric sphincter)

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Q: Narrowed region of the stomach before the small intestine?
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What is the first portion of the small intestine that is attached to the pyloric region of the stomach?


What is the correct order of the region of the digestive tract from superior to inferior?

Oral Cavity-> Pharynx-> Esphagus-> stomach-> small intestine-> large intestine-> anus

Organs of the nine regions of the body?

Right Hypochondriac Region: Right lung Epigastric Region: Heart and Diaphragm Left Hypochondriac Region: Left Lung Right Lumbar Region: Liver Umbilical Region: Liver, Stomach and Large Intestine Left Lumbar Region: Stomach and Spleen Right iliac Region: Large Intestine Hypogastric Region: Small Intestine and Rectum Left iliac Region: Large Intestine

What is the definition of a frogs pylorus?

The pylorus is the region of the stomach where ingesta is allowed to pass from the fundus (body) into the duodenum of the small intestine.

What does pyloric infection mean?

It means an infection in the stomach, near where it joind the small intestine, this region has an area called the pylorus.

What organ of the digestive system is considered the primary organ of absorption?

The digestive organ that is considered the primary organ of digestion is the small intestine but more specifically it is the duodenum of the small intestine. This is the region directly after the stomach and is approximately 25 cm long. The small intestine absorbs nutrients and large intestine absorbs water.

What is chime in digestion?

It's a form of physical digestion, I assume its the substance inside your stomach, i.e liquid in the central region.

Why does the enzyme pepsin (present in the stomach) denature in the intestine?

Once out of the stomach the Ph of the contents is raised by the Bile to a copable Ph level for the intestinal region. As Pepsin Denatures at pH5 (or more like pH6.8)

What are the 12 main organs in Chinese medicine?

the lung, large intestine, stomach, spleen, heart, small intestine, urinary bladder, kidney, liver, gallbladder, pericardium, and the "triple warmer," which represents the entire torso region

What is the primary region of enzymatic digestion?

The Small Intestine.

What is the description of the inner wall of the stomach of the fetal pig?

Between the stomach and the small intestine

What is the primary region for food and water absorption?

You absorb nutrients in the small intestine. Your cecum absorbs water.