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native American education ?

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Q: How did the Indians educated the young?
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How were the Cheyenne Indians educated?

they were educated in their teepees and learned the same kind of stuff we learn now

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All Indians should be educated.

What type of education did the shoshone Indians have?

Shoshone Indians weren't educated. They learned by watching their ancestors hunt, fish, clean, and more.

How did Brigham Young help the Indians?

He did not try to help the indians.

Was Pocahontas educated?

when Pocahontas was a child her father had some of the Indians educate her and give her smarts

Who educated Clara Barton as a young girl?

Mostly her dad.

What did British educated Indians do instead of carrying out colonial policies of the British?

all of the answers are correct.

How were young women educated in the 19th century?

they weren't, they are of an inferior intelligence.

Why are only the young pigs being educated?

well, i believe that the young pigs are being educated because their younger and its easier for them to adapt to it and learn faster and better, not like the older pigs which are harder to teach.

How did the introduction of western ideas about nationalism and independence affect the educated Indians?

the Government was mistreating them and being ungair

What were Clara Barton's features?

She was highly Educated in medical and started at a young age.

Rudyard Kipling was born in India and was educated in England. His writing is considered to be part of the literature of the?
