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Q: Nazi who wrote memo to someone asking to prepare a plan for Jewish extermination?
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Who was a Nazi leader that wrote the memo asking an SS officer to prepare a plan for the Final Solution of the Jewish Problem?


How much does it cost to have someone prepare your taxes?

The government provides forms and online filing for people do prepare their taxes for free. The cost of having another person prepare taxes varies. Quotes can be given in advance by asking the company or individual.

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Who are they that you are asking about?

The Nazi leader who wrote the memo asking an SS officer to prepare a plan for the final solution of the jewish problem?

Heinrich Luitpold Himmler was the Nazi leader who wrote the memo asking an SS officer to prepare a plan for the final solution of the Jewish problem. He was head of the Gestapo, German police, and head of the SS.

Is lerman a Jewish name?

Yes, "Lerman" is a Jewish name. If you're asking because of Logan Lerman, then , he is Jewish. Both of his parents are Jewish.

What are you asking me?

if someone is asking you, he/she is asking a "question"

Is Emil a Jewish name?

No. I imagine you are asking because of the stories claming that Emil Maurice was Jewish ...

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what process are you asking about

What is a shikzah?

I believe what you are asking for is the term Shiksa, which is a Jewish term used as in a derogatory way to describe a girl who is not Jewish.

Where did the Jewish people flee to?

That depends what period of history you're asking about.

What is the Jewish version of Josh?

Umm that's like asking what is the Jewish version of Mike or what is the Jewish version of Steve...Mike & Steve are both nicknames ... of Michael & Steven...and Josh is the nickname or shortened version of Joshua. If you are asking what the Hebrew version of Joshua is, the answer is Y'hoshua (יהושע).

What is asking out?

It is asking someone out like He or she asked her/ him out to dinner, but she/him had other plans. She or him couldn't go, so he/she asked out someone else. Liz asked John out for dinner.