

Best Answer

There's Transformers, Transformers: Revenge of The Fallen, and Transformers: Dark of The moon.

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Q: Need the names of all transformers movies?
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What are the names of all three transformer movies?

The first Transformers movie is called 'Transformers'. The second Transformers movie is called 'Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen'. The final Transformers movie is called 'Transformers: Dark of the Moon'. Your Welcome :) ...

Who was the composer of the transformers theme song?

The insturmental score Of Transformers was Composed by Steve Jablonsky.

What are all the names of the transformers from the 2nd transformers?

Autobots:Optimus PrimeBumblebeeRatchetIronhideArceeSideSwipeJetfireWhellieJoltDecepticons:MegatronThe FallenRavageSundwaveStarscreamBonecrusherBarricadeMixmasterLonghaulScrapperScavengerHightower

Name all of the tranformers movies?

Transformers and then Transformers Return of the Fallen Son of Transformer and Transformer Rides Again

Is transformers movies for all ages?

They're rated 'PG-13'.

Will Shia Labouf be in transformers 3?

Of course, he is the main character. He will be in all Unanimated Transformers Movies. I know because I sort of help them with props and stuff.

What is all names of the transformers in transformers 3?

The Autobots:Sentinel PrimeOptimus PrimeBumblebeeIronhideRatchetSideswipeWheelieBrainsDinoQueThe Wreckers: Roadbuster, Leadfoot,and TopspinDecepticons:MegatronShockwaveStarscreamSoundwaveRavageLaserbeakIgorDreads: Crowbar, Hatchet, and Crankcase

Why is there no Hotshot in the Transformers movie?

Hotshot isn't the only transformer that is missing in the movies that is present in the other series. If they were to put all of the transformers in the movie there would be way to many of them.

What are all the Transformers films?

Transformers (2007)Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (2009)Transformers: Dark of the Moon (2011)There may be another Transformers movie in 2014, according to an interview with Tyrese Gibson.

Who is more famous optimus prime or Eric cartman?

Probably Optimus Prime because they have made 3 movies and he was the star in all of them. The movies were Transformers (2007), Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (2009) and Transformers: Dark of the Moon (2011). Although Eric Cartman is in lots of series of South Park, lots of children like to see Transformers, therefore the parents will enjoy it too.

Movies with a main character named Sam?

Transformers 1,2 & 3. Tron Legacy. That's all I can think of, sorry.

Why does it seem many people are critical of Michael Bay saying he ruined movies when Armageddon Bad Boys and Transformers were okay movies?

Michael Bay didnt ruin all movies, just his own. And they are'nt ok movies, they are bad movies IMHO