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Q: Needed by infants so they will not get sick of polio?
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What is needed by the infants so they will not get sick of polio?

neede by infants so they will not getsick of polio

Why is polio so popular?

why is polio so popular

Why infants should be so that they learn to cope?

because they will get sick if their is a storm/typhoon in there place,they will freeze and had a strong fever..

What is the purpose of government behind giving polio vaccination drops to children so frequently?

So that they don' t get polio. Polio is nasty.

Why are Health care providers needed?

Maybe so that sick people can get treatment?

Franklin D. Roosevelt had been disabled by?

FDR was disabled by polio. A common disease that there was no cure for back then. Later on in the 1950's one man found the vaccine for polio. So, polio is no longer an issue.

Has the world exterminated a disease if so which?

smallpox, polio

What polio did to people?

it made it so they had to get around in a wheelchair

How does the polio vaccine effect us today?

There are still cases of polio out there today, so we have the vaccinations if someday we were to have another breakout of the epidemic!

Why is it important that all children continue to have the polio vaccine?

So that you wont get the polio virus it is very bad, children become handicapped.

Why do infants used diapers?

Infants have no concept of the toilet whatsoever nor any concept or control over their need to go toilet. Because of this they use diapers instead of the potty or toilet. This is for the sake of their own hygiene and health since infants get sick way more easily than everyone else and for the sake of the hygiene and health of everyone else around them so other people don't get sick either. Diapers are literally the infants toilet until their old enough to learn to manage their toiletry needs and use a potty or actual toilet and diapers will trap and contain the nastiness. Secondly, infants also use diapers because baby powder exists and an infants diaper use justifies and reinforces its existence as baby powder is designed to be put in the infants diaper where it will be trapped and prevent irritation and rashes. Lastly, infants also use diapers because prank itching powder exists and an infants diaper use justifies and reinforces its existence as itching powder is best used in an infants diaper where it will be trapped and cause the infant to fuss and be in constant discomfort from the itching.

Is polio virus a microorganism?

Microorganism means very small sized organism. It can not be seen with naked eye. You have to use microscopes to see it. Polio virus is a virus. Virus are too small as compared to other microorganisms. So polio virus is included in the category of the microorganisms.