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Yep. But this is Newton's THIRD law of motion. He actually came up with three laws of motion that we use today.

1: An object in motion will remain in motion and an object at rest will remain at rest unless acted upon by another force.

2: An object acted upon by a force will accelerate in the direction of that force.

3: Forces always act in equal but opposite pairs.

-(Basic definitions!)-

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Q: Newton's law of motion- states that forces always act in equal but opposite pairs?
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When 2 or more forces cancel their effect?

When two forces cancel each other, they are called balanced forces. Nothing happens when balanced forces are involved. Motion and anything else relating to force can only happen when there are unbalanced forces involved. If there are two opposite but unequal forces, then there is a net force. The net force is the difference between the two forces, and it acts in the direction of the strongest force. For example, if there are two people pushing on the same box in opposite directions, and one exerts 10 newtons of force, and the other exerts 15 newtons, then the net force will be 5 newtons, and it will be in the direction of the force applied by the person exerting 15 newtons.

Can you always detect motion when paired forces are in action?


What happens to an object's motion when 2 equal forces act on an object in opposite directions?

Nothing! If the two forces are equal and opposite then they will cancel each other out. What will happen next is described in Newton's First law when it says "An object in motion will stay in motion unless acted upon by an outside force". Two equal and opposite forces have the same effect as no force, therefore the object's motion will remain the same as if it had never been acted upon by the two opposite forces.

A force that is opposite to the direction of motion?

Inertia is a property of matter that makes it harder to move, so that is probably what you are thinking of, but technically, forces do not oppose motion. Depending upon the direction in which a force is applied, one force can oppose another force that is acting in an opposite direction, but forces are not opposed to motion as such.

What direction does friction act in to an object's direction of motion?

Friction will always act in the direction opposite of the relativistic motion of two objects. If object A is moving to the right on object B, then object A will experience the friction to the left. However, object B will be moving to the left on object A and will therefore experience the friction acting towards the right.

Related questions

How does newtons law of motion relate action and reaction forces?

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

What is the direction of friction forces?

opposing the motion

What is balanced force and unbalanced measured in?

Balanced forces are measured in newtons or pounds, reflecting the equal and opposite forces acting on an object. Unbalanced forces are also measured in newtons or pounds, representing the unequal forces causing a change in motion or acceleration.

There is no motion when forces acting on an object are?

An object at rest will stay at rest unless acted upon by an external force - newtons 1st law of motion. It will stay at rest If no force is applied. Also if equal and opposite forces are applied (balanced) to a resting object it will remain at rest also - every action has an equal and opposite reaction - newtons 3rd law of motion

What is theExplanation of newtons third of motion?

Newtons thrid law of motion is that every action has an opposite and equal reaction acting upon it

When forces act in opposite direction?

When two equal forces act in opposite directions, they are called balanced forces, and no motion takes place. If they are unequal, than the weakest force is cancelled out, along with an equal amount of the strongest force. For example, if an object is being pushed on opposite sides with 7 and 10 newtons of force, then the 7 newton force will be entirely cancelled out, along with 7 newtons of the 10 newton force. This will leave a net force of 3 newtons acting on the object. If there is a net force (also called an unbalanced force), then motion will take place.

What is one of newtons laws of motion?

Action and reaction forces are based on Newton's third law of motion. Newton's third law formal states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

In which direction does friction act?

Friction always acts in the opposite direction to that of the motion of the other object. Meaning, friction slows down the motion of an object by exerting opposing forces on it.

What forces always act in equal but opposite pairs?

Newton's third law states that for every action, there is an equal but opposite reaction. This means that forces always come in pairs - if one object exerts a force on another object, the second object will exert an equal but opposite force back on the first object.

What does friction always act in?

Friction always acts in the opposite direction to that of the motion of the other object. Meaning, friction slows down the motion of an object by exerting opposing forces on it.

What is newtons third law of motion called?

Newton's third law of motion is that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. This law is also called reciprocal motion/force or "action-reaction."

How are force pairs related by Newton third law of motion?

The forces are always equal in size and opposite in direction.