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i think its impossible.

Holy hell batman, where did you learn to spoke.

I think I just lost 15 IQ points...

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Q: No a red ant queen ant cant lay a egg with a black ant.?
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Related questions

Where are ant eggs fertilized?

In the middle part of the ant.

How many ants are there in an ant egg from the Oecophylla Queen Ant?

They lay 800-1,500 a day but there is only one ant per egg.

When a queen ant lays egg how many of them are females?


Do ants lay egg?


Why are queen ant eggs bigger than the worker ants egg?

The queen's eggs are bigger because the queen is the only ant capable of reproducing, that is why it is protected and pampered by the worker ants.

How many eggs are laid by an ant in a minute?

The queen ant lays 1 egg every 5 seconds. thanks Gaurang

How are queen ants born?

Queen Ants are born as any normal ant is. In order for the Queen Ant to be born the pupa ( a stage of some insects life formation) must be well feed and cared for and that will determine their eventual adult form.

Why is it the best way to have a queen ant in an colony?

she makes all the egg which makes more ants

Can a red ant queen ant lay a egg with a black ant?

No the red ant soldiers would have have killed the Carpenter Ant before it could reach the Queen Red Ant it would only probably get 10 Feet out of 25 to 50 Ft. down there he would probably then be Eaten by the soldiers before the larvae Section of the nest because the Queen would have sent the soldiers to stop him because in a Nest The Carpenter Ant would have to cross the Larvae section to get to the Queen But if he made it past that he would have been attacked By the Drones which have wings if he made it past them he would fight the King Red Ant which is about 7 Cm. smaller than the Queen Red Ant and if he made it past that he would Confront the Queen Which the Carpenter Ant would have to have a gift for her or she'll reject him and he will have to go as fast as he can back out

Where do you get an snivy egg in Pokemon black?

You cant get a egg you have to breed it with a ditto

When a ant is in the egg what does it do inside the egg?

it grows and developers to a grown ant

What is the egg of an ant called?

The egg of an Ant is an egg, this hatches into a lava, the lava grows, spins a cacoon and becomes a pupa, this then morphs into an Ant.