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This movie quote is from The Incredibles (2004), when Mr. Incredible is being interviewed. The complete quote is, "No matter how many times you save the world, it always manages to get back in jeopardy again. Sometimes I just want it to stay saved! You know, for a little bit? I feel like the maid; I just cleaned up this mess! Can we keep it clean for...for ten minutes!"

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Q: No matter how many times you save the world it always manages to get back in jeopardy again?
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What is pangaea from again?

Pangaea is from the Earth. It was always there

Who hosted Jeopardy before Alex Trebek?

Art Fleming was the host of the original Jeopardy gameshow that ran from 1964 - 1975 during the day. Due to flagging ratings because of its poor daytime time slot, the show was taken off the air after the 1975 season. In 1978, it was resurrected as The All-New Jeopardy again with Art Fleming as its host and again airing during the day. It only lasted one season. The first Jeopardy with Alex Trebek as host was aired on September 10, 1984 in its present evening time slot.

Who was the original host of jepordy?

The original host of Jeopardy! was Art Fleming. He helmed the podium from 1964-1975 and again from 1978-1979 with both versions airing on NBC.

When Does Jeopardy start airing new episodes again?

GSN, which like Jeopardy! is an affiliate of Sony Pictures Television, reran nine seasons between the channel's launch in 1994 and April 1, 2010.see related link The return of Jeopardy programming to GSN is a decision that must be made by Sony Pictures TelevisionSony Pictures Television has made no announcements about Jeopardy except that Alex Trebek has signed to continue shows until the year 2014. At that same time they also announced that Pat Sajak and Vanna White will also continue to do the Wheel of Fortune until the year 2014.

What is the significance of the breed v Jones?

Set a precedent that juveniles can not be tried and acquitted in juvenile court then tried again in "adult" criminal court. Basically, the constitutional protection from double jeopardy applies to juveniles as well as adults.

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They have had a few and will again. Travel to Jeopardy to audition is at a person's own expense.

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When was double jeopardy created?

Double jeopardy is a procedural defence that forbids a defendant from being tried again on the same (or similar) charges following a legitimate acquittal.

Why is your computer time always wrong?

check your timezone/dst settings. then again, my one Linux PC is always about 17 hours slow no matter what so best of luck

Does Double Jeopardy mean that a person cannot be tried for a crime?

Double jeopardy means that a person cannot be put on trial again for the same crime if he was already acquitted once.

The Fifth Amendment protects anyone found not guilty in a criminal trial from being tried again for the same crime. What is the name for this protection?

Double Jeopardy Clause

What is a sentence using double jeopardy?

Because he had been acquitted of the murder, the rule of double jeopardy meant he could not be tried again for the crime. Expecting that double jeopardy would apply, the burglar confessed, and was then convicted for a dozen of his other robberies.

What means that a person judged not guilty cannot be put on trial again for the same crime?

Double Jeopardy

What does it mean when you can't no matter how hard you try you cant stay mad or heartbroken with your crush and always end up falling for him again and acting as if your not heartbroken?

I would say it means that they mean too much to you and you cannot see them out of your life, no matter how much they hurt you will always love them no matter what. This is a good thing to be honest. But then if they cheat it's a bad thing don't get me wrong!

IS IT DOUble jeopardy for a person to be held liable for the same act same person with the other court?

Definition of Double Jeapordy: Double jeopardy refers to a person being tried again for the same offense after being acquitted.

Why can we never prove that a hypothesis true?

A hypothesis can never be proven true because there is always a possibility that it can be disproved. No matter how many times something happens, and how sure you think you are that it will happen again, there are always other possibilities that have not been explored.

Examples of aphorisms?

"Lost time is never found again." "If you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always got."