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Q: Northern Renaissance artists were more interested than Italian Renaissance artists in which of these artistic forms?
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What The difference between the northern Renaissance and the Italian Renaissance?

One is Northern and the other is Italian :)

What is the genre of Italian renaissance?

The Italian Renaissance (note capitalization) is not a genre but a period of Italian history which saw major developments in a variety of artistic genres.

What makes Italian and Northern Renaissance the same?

They are not the same. Italian Renaissance and Northern Renaissance painting styles break with preceding styles but in different ways.

Why were northern artists more interested in landscape than their Italian counterparts?

Northern Renaissance artists were more concerned with everyday human life and what they saw from day to day. Italian artists were more interested in re-creating Greek and Roman art. (:

How did northern renaissance painters blend Italian renaissance ideas with their own?

Northern Renaissance artists blended Italian Renaissance ideas with their own primarily through the religious ideas of the humanists.

Where did the Northern Renaissance begin?

== The Southern Renaissance, or Italian Renaissance, began in Florence, in the northern part if Italy. The Northern Renaissance began somewhere in Northern parts like Germany.

How is the northern Renaissance different from the Italian Renaissance?

Italian is made in Italy and also looks more realistic with human features, real sexuality stuff that Northern Renaissance doesn't have. == ==

Was Michelangelo Buonarroti a northern renaissance artist?

No, he was an artist of the Italian High Renaissance.

How does the northern renaissance differ from the southern renaissance?

The northern renaissance focused more on religious themes and realism, while the southern renaissance placed greater emphasis on classical Roman and Greek influences, particularly in art and architecture. The northern renaissance was characterized by the use of oil paint and attention to detail in works, while the southern renaissance embraced a more idealized and harmonious vision of the world.

What is characteristic of the Northern Renaissance but not the Italian Renaissance?

They moved religious messages into the background

In what way did Northern renaissance paintings differ from Italian renaissance paintings?