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Q: Now know as Iraq. the land believed to be a cradle of civilization.?
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Where is the area know as the cradle of civilization?

It' Mesopotamia

What area is know as the Cradle of Civilization?

The Fertile Crescent

When did the first know civilization Begin?

The ancient civilization of Sumner is believed to be the first civilization in the world. Established sometime between 4500 and 4000 BC, Sumner was located in what is now known as Iraq.

What can you learn from mesopotamia?

I learn about mesopotamia is Mesopotamia is a fertile area of land between the Tigris and Euphrates river in what we now know as Iraq. It is considered the cradle of civilization because some of the earliest civilizations developed here.

What is the crescent city?

Egyptologist James Henry Breasted first coined the term Fertile Crescent in 1916. It was an area that encompassed several countries such Egypt, Israel, Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq. It is also know as the Cradle of Civilization.

What is the Fertile Crescent city?

Egyptologist James Henry Breasted first coined the term Fertile Crescent in 1916. It was an area that encompassed several countries such Egypt, Israel, Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq. It is also know as the Cradle of Civilization.

When was the first civilization in the ancient world?

The first ancient civilization was Mesopotamia (Present day Iraq). I know this because this was the first thing I learned in my history book.

What kind of cradle is the northeast region called?

It would help to know what continent or country you are asking about.If you mean the northeast United States, you could be looking for the "cradle of liberty", since that area was where the American Revolution was born.If you mean the northeastern area of Africa and the Middle East, you could be looking for the "cradle of civilization".

Who found Iraq?

Iraq is one of the oldest inhabited places in the world, beginning with the Sumerian civilization. It gained independence from Great Britain in 1932.

What is the definition of Mesopotamia?

Mesopotamia is in what is now Iraq, and is the very fertile area between the rivers Tigris and Euphrates.Mesopotamia is located between the rivers of Tigris and Euphrates, largely corresponding to the modern day Iraq, and also some part of northeastern Syria, southeastern Turkey,and southeastern Iran.It is located in modern day Iraq. Mesopotamia was approximately 300 miles long and 150 miles wide. It was located between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. It is now known as Iraq.Mesopotamia is located in modern day Iraq.

Who named the rigel star?

There are no known individual authors of the original star names, most all of which are in early prehistoric Arabic. Even these names have been passed down. The largest portion of the star names were passed down from a period preceding Greek, Latin and in most cases even Egyptian. It is believed that a lot of these names originated during or before Sumerian astronomy. And as you know, Sumer was "...a historical region located in what is now Southern Iraq (Mesopotamia) and Southwestern Iran, known as the Cradle of civilization..." also it is one of the brightest stars on planet earth!!!!

Has Iraq made any inventions?

You bet! -The Baghdad Battery was an Iraqi invention, it could produce 8 - 2 volts of power. -The wheel was first invented by Iraqis. -The first law in the world was made in Iraq. ( How ironic ) -Civilization as we know it today, is an Iraqi invention. Iraq is known as the cradle of civilization, it was the first country to ever witness a civilization. -Writing was invented in Iraq. -The first paper factory was in Iraq, not in China as many people think. -Alchemy was invented in Iraq -An Iraqi scientist introduced the decimal positional number system to the Western world -Algebra and trigonometry were both invented in Iraq -An Iraqi scientist introduced trigonometric functions to the world -Alcohol was invented in Iraq - Algorism and algorithm are both Iraqi inventions -Thousands of chemicals were invented/found by Iraqi scientists. -The first city in the world was found Babylon, which is in Iraq. The second was Beijing, China. Also, Iraq won the first prize in Middle East inventions fair. Dr. Hadi Khalaf, won the Scientific Prize, which is the highest award the fair gives to the participants, due to his invention of the device detecting bacterial contamination in the water. Iraq is the most scientifically and technologically advanced country in the Middle East, and if you take history in account, the whole world. It is really sad that it's now being ravaged. 90% of inventions in the medieval Islamic age were invented in Mesopotamia ( Iraq )