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Give the oil rentention enema first. Most oil retention enemas are held for at least 30 minutes to soften the stool. Give the cleansing enema after the retention enema has been held for the required amount of time. Most people will have a bowel movement within a few minutes after being given a cleansing enema.

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Q: Oil retation enema and cleansing enema was ordered how should it be given?
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Related questions

What is included in colon cleansing kits?

A colon cleansing kit will usually include a bag in which to contain the enema and also a tube. The kit might well also contain some chemicals or even simple salt to use to make up the enema.

What may be ordered if the patient fails to return the enema solution?

To be care

What is a fleet enema?

A fleet enema is a disposable laxative enema (or clyster). It is intended for treating constipation or cleansing the bowel, often before medical procedures. It may also be used for other conditions.

How many milliliters are in a cleansing enema?

For a warm water or soapsuds enema, 500cc to 1500cc is the usual volume given to an adult. Sodium Phosphate enemas (like Fleet) and other mini-enemas such as a bisacodly enema contain very little fluid and work by stimulating the colon muscles. These are usually 30cc to 120cc.

What are the health benefits of a colon cleansing enema?

Colon cleansing is said to be healthy for a person because it eliminates waste from your intestines. There can be up to 10 lbs of feces in your intestines that the body doesn't eliminate so cleansing the colon will remove that waste and leave you feeling healthier, lighter, and overall cleaner.

Should home health aid give enema?


Please somebody give me an enema that hurts so bad?

An enema should not be painful.If you have had an enema by someone who is not qualified to do so I recomend you visit your doctor a.s.a.p. The only time I'v heard of anyone being in great pain after an enema was due to a bowel perforation.

What is the test called where tube is inserted into rectum?

If it is for cleansing it is an enema. A more sophisticated version is called a colonic. And when a doctor exams the colon, it is a colonoscopy.

How does colon cleansing get rid of parasites?

Almost everyone has parasites in their colon. Ozonated water and hydrogen peroxide are sometimes used to clean the colon. Colon cleansing is a subject that should be discussed with your doctor before starting this process.

How often should you take an enema?

Depending on your diagnosis, and why you are using an enema, it can vary. If you have a bowel movement problem, you should talk to your doctor. If not, at maximum once a day. You have to remember that the emptier you are, the less of the solution you will need.

What is the difference between a Bisacodyl enema and a saline enema?

A bisacodyl enema is a pre-packaged mini-enema that contains 1.25 oz of liquid and 10mg of bisacodyl. Bisacodyl is a stimulant laxative and acts by causing contractions of the colon muscles. The small volume allows the enema to be comfortably retained for the amount of time necessary for the bisacodyl to act inside the colon, usually within 15 minutes or so and is nice and cramp producing!!A pre packaged saline enema contains a mixture of water and sodium phosphate and is 4oz for the pre-packaged enemas (like Fleets)large volume enemas where a small amount of salt is mixed with warm water (a teaspoon per 1000ml) is far better than the nasty Fleet sodium phosphate enema. Better for you and more cleansing.

Who was the inventor of enema?

The god Thoth, according to Egyptian mythology, invented the enema.