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bragging rights. plus you get a funny little symbol next to your name, so everyone knows you're not a noob.

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13y ago

it just takes you again tell you reach 10 prestige my name on modern warfare is dpatriots12 on ps3

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Q: On Modern Warfare 2 what is Prestige mode all about?
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What is the 'Prestige mode' in Call of Duty' modern warfare relflex edition?

prestige mode is basically trading all your earned weapons and returning to level 1 for a different emblem. you can prestige 10 times.

What is prestige mode in modern warfare reflex for the Wii?

it is when you reach a certain level and you are asked to do it all over again except you get higher prestige. When you reach level ***55*** you are asked do want to prestige.

What do you get when you prestige in Modern Warfare 2?

WhEn YoU pReStIgE iN mOdErN wArFaRe 2 YoU dOn'T gEt AnYtHiNg, YoU aCtUaLlY lOsE aLl Of YoUr WeApOnS. NoW aFtEr YoU rEaD tHiS lOoK aT mY pRoFiLe.

What is prestige mode on Modern Warfare 2?

Prestige mode is when a user reaches level 70 (max level) and they chose to sacrifice all of their unlocked attachments, weapons, camo's to change the 5 star emblem next to their gamertag to a prestige emblem which makes them look 'pro-er'.

What happens when you do not prestige at all in Call of Duty Modern Warfare Reflex?


How do you get all of the guns on modern warfare 3?

you must get to level 80 10th prestige.

In call of duty modern warfare 2 when you prestige can you still get all of the call signs and emblems that you did not unlock before you prestige?


What things do you keep when you prestige in Modern Warfare 3 for Wii?

All titles and emblems you have unlocked and anything you have unlocked with prestige tokens.

What thing do you keep when you prestige in Modern Warfare 3 for wii?

All titles and emblems you have unlocked and anything you have unlocked with prestige tokens.

Do you have to do prestige mode in modern warfare 2?

no you don't have to prestige in codmw2 if you want you can, just by simply pressing prestige in the barracks option in the xbox360 live menu. But if you do you will lose all of your weapons, killstreaks, and perks. however you will be able to go up more ranks, and kepp your titles and emblems.

What happens when you prestige on Modern Warfare 2?

You lose all the weapons you've achieved and you have to earn them back. You unlock new challenges, embles, titles, and more Custom classes. The highest rank Prestige you can get to is 10. After entering prestige mode, you are reset to level 1 in 1st prestige with a different emblem than the default one.

What is a prestige on modern warfare?

On Call of Duty 4, after you reach level 55 (the maximum level) online, you can go into Prestige mode--or starting over for your second run of a maximum of eleven runs, making a total of 605 levels to obtain. In Modern Warfare 2, it is the same, but with 70 levels each, and titles or eblems to keep as you go into prestige. In prestige you lose all of your guns, perks, etc, but it gives you a chance to try other ways of leveling up. Once you're at 10th prestige, it stops and you have reached the last prestige.