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Q: On a recent test Sterling got 2 questions correct for every 3 questions he missed If the test had a total of 80 questions how many questions did sterling answer correctly on the test?
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Is sterling and Shannon sharpe related?

Although I came across an article online in which an elderly man in Cuba claimed that he was the uncle of Luis, Shannon, and Sterling - I doubt this man was correct, and I doubt that Sterling and Shannon are related to Luis. (I think the man was probably related to Luis, but not to Sterling and Shannon.) I think if the three of them were related, it would have been publicized just as much as the fact that Sterling and Shannon are brothers is publicized. Luis was born in Cuba and is Cuban. I doubt that Sterling and Shannon have any familial connections to Cuba - their familial roots are in Georgia.

You took a test with 130 questions you answered 92 percent correctly how many questions did you get correct?

Questions correct are 130 * 0.92 or 120.

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20,000 pounds Sterling is the correct answer.

If there was a test with 240 questions on a test and i answered 95 correctly how many questions did i answer correct?

95 of them.

If 21 of 25 questions were answered correctly. What percent of the questions were correct?

100*(21/25) % = 84%

Forty out of fifty questions on a test are answered correctly. What fraction of questions were answered correct?


What is your Grade for 45 out of 60 questions?

that's = to 75 % correct if you correctly answered 45 out of 60 questions

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How many questions out of 30 do you need correct to receive a 70?

You need to answer 21 questions out of 30 correctly to get a 70%.

How many questions must be answered correctly to get score of 68 has 60 questions 2 points for correct answer no points for unanswered questions two thirds of a point subtracted for wrong answer?

Answer 34 questions correctly, ignore the rest.

What is the adverb of correct?

The adverb form of the word "correct" is correctly.An example sentence for you is: "She answered all the questions correctly".